60 credits
1 year
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Language(s) of instruction
The Biology-Ecology (BE) course of the Life Sciences (SV) bachelor's degree is a multi-disciplinary scientific program focused on knowledge of organisms (of all types: animals, plants, fungi, bacteria, etc.), their evolution and their ecology, in the scientific sense of the term: animals, plants, fungi, bacteria...), their evolution and their ecology, in the scientific sense of the term, i.e. the scientific study of the relationship between organisms and their environment, as well as the interactions they develop between themselves (societal or political ecology, ecologism, is not at the heart of the training, although it is sometimes addressed in the courses). The fourth major discipline is the acquisition and mastery of the mathematical and statistical tools essential to ecology and evolutionary biology. Finally, the choice of specific teaching units can enable you to specialize in paleontology or paleoecology through the study of earth sciences.
Average success rate in L2 80%
Success rates
This initial training is thus a general bachelor's degree whose primary purpose is to lead students to extend their studies with a master's degree (or equivalent) in the disciplines of biology of organisms, evolutionary biology, or ecology, as well as related disciplines (scientific communication, ecosystem management, epidemiology, history of science and epistemology, etc.). The teaching is focused on the acquisition of the scientific approach. As in all the courses of the SV specialisation, particular attention is paid to teaching such as tutorials, practical work, the use of manipulation, experimentation and a field approach (within the logistical limits of what the large number of students allows us). The courses also leave a lot of room for the autonomy of the students to carry out several projects, most often in groups, involving a high level of practice with communication tools (summary reports, posters, slide shows, etc.), and in particular the realization of oral presentations, in French or English.
A significant proportion of the teaching units are oriented from the first year of the Bachelor's degree (L1) in Life Sciences Health and Environment (SVSE) towards these disciplines, but the course does not actually begin until the second year (L2). In addition, L2 and L3 (third year) are closely linked, with L3 building on the achievements of L2. All groups of organisms and all environments will be covered during the 3 years of the bachelor's degree, even if the courses also use knowledge of model species. The desire of the teaching teams is to take into account the real diversity in order to better understand the living world, in particular by using the local biological richness (organisms present on campus, in the Montpellier agglomeration and in Mediterranean ecosystems). The courses are based on and open to related disciplines such as physiology, biochemistry, microbiology, ecotoxicology, and immunology.
Know-how and skills
The skills that students who will follow the Life Sciences degree in BE must acquire are:
1) disciplinary skills:
- To know the different levels of organization of living things (ranging from the organism to the biosphere), and their interactions;
- To know the processes at the origin of biodiversity;
- To know current and past biodiversity;
- To know the biodemographic and adaptive strategies of organisms, in relation to their resources, their interactions and the characteristics of their living environment;
- Know how to implement the different approaches and tools used in evolutionary biology and ecology: observation, sampling, experimentation and statistical analyses;
- Knowing how to use tools to describe biodiversity, from the gene to the biosphere;
- To know the applications of organism biology, evolutionary biology and ecology (health, agronomy, conservation, restoration).
2) Transversal skills:
- Knowledge :
- To know the process of knowledge formation in different disciplines (hypotheses, experimental results, polemical results, mathematical theorems, scientific facts).
- Know-how:
- Know how to use concepts and tools from different disciplines to analyze a document, an observation or the result of an experiment;
- Be able to develop a logical argumentation with a critical mind (limits, confrontation with the bibliography, defense of a point of view thanks to a constructed and logical argument, etc.);
- Know how to search for and extract information in a critical manner, prioritize sources of information and identify their reliability, and synthesize them;
- Know how to prepare oral presentations and unpublished scientific written reports (without plagiarism), using illustrations and a level of language adapted to the audience concerned, using adapted computer tools;
- Be able to propose a scientific problem, propose and implement an observation approach, a sampling plan or an experimental approach, and analyze the data resulting from it, using computer tools for data entry, analysis and backup;
- Know how to look for information to set up your training plan, know how to develop a CV, a cover letter, and use professional network tools;
- Knowing how to carry out a project within a group.
- Soft skills:
- Know how to work independently, adapt to a new context and take relevant initiatives;
- Be able to self-evaluate and challenge oneself in order to learn;
- Know how to position oneself in a group with the aim of implementing a project, know how to listen and exchange constructively;
- Comply with legal, ethical and professional rules for the use and production of documents (plagiarism, source, copyright and quotations, falsification of data);
- Comply with the legal, ethical and deontological rules for the handling of living organisms (animal breeding and experimentation, field sampling);
- Respect others, respect the equipment and organizations on which we work.
The BE course of the Life Sciences Bachelor's degree (L2 and L3) is spread over 4 semesters, each of which has Teaching Units (UE) validated by ECTS credits. It follows on from the L1 Life Science, Health and Environment (SVSE). Throughout the three years of the bachelor's degree, there are many gateways to and from other bachelor's degree courses and other courses (IUT, BTS, CPGE, engineering schools, etc.). The UEs below therefore constitute the classic course which may vary according to possible reorientations, which will only be possible if validated by a pedagogical commission.
The list of Teaching Units can be consulted on the website of the Faculty of Science
There are space constraints for some optional UEs.
It is also possible to take additional courses (with a maximum of 36 ECTS per semester) or, in certain cases, to have an associative commitment validated as an additional course.
Your choice: 1 of 1
30 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Profile 2 BE
Experimental ecology and the scientific approach
4 creditsBasics of plant physiology
Description of variability 1
2 creditsDescription of variability 2
2 creditsEnglish S3
2 creditsFundamental ecology: concepts and methods
3 creditsMushroom ecology, diversity and evolution
2 creditsBasic plant biology
3 creditsDiversity and evolution of past and present metazoans N1
3 credits0hComparative animal physiology
4 credits
Profile 1 BE
Basics of plant physiology
Description of variability 1
2 creditsSedimentary geology, tectonics and cartography
4 creditsDescription of variability 2
2 creditsEnglish S3
2 creditsFundamental ecology: concepts and methods
3 creditsMushroom ecology, diversity and evolution
2 creditsBasic plant biology
3 creditsDiversity and evolution of past and present metazoans N1
3 credits0hComparative animal physiology
4 credits
30 creditsDiversity and evolution of past and present metazoans N2
Introduction to evolution
2 creditsFrom genotype to phenotype
4 creditsFunctional ecology
4 creditsHazard quantification
4 creditsPersonal and Professional Project
2 creditsCHOIX2
4 creditsYour choice: 1 of 7
Earth materials
4 creditsHistory of plants and natural environments
4 creditsEcophysiology of Aquatic Organisms
4 creditsEukaryotes Parasites
4 creditsNaturalist Specialization 1
4 creditsBasic conservation biology and physiology
4 creditsModelling life: theory
4 credits
English S4
2 creditsPlant diversity
Admission requirements
Registration possible from an L1 SVSE portal (ex-Monod) obtained at the FdS of the University of Montpellier, or from an equivalent L1 obtained outside the courses of the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Montpellier (or equivalent higher education: preparatory class, rarely DUT/BUT, exceptionally BTS). In all cases, and including for L1 SVSE (ex-Monod) of the FdS of Montpellier or students from institutions under agreement with the FdS, the registration procedure is carried out via the e-candidate portal of the Faculty of Science.
Acceptance is not automatic, regardless of your previous course : it is decided on the basis of an application by a pedagogical committee, and according to the capacity of the child.
For students from a course under agreement with the FDS (e.g. CPGE or PASS): access to L2 BE is not automatic either ; This also requires a file (e-candidate) evaluated by a pedagogical commission.
The BE course is a general course in Life Sciences, rather theoretical (although the practical applications are important in the training). This training prepares students for further studies in a Master's degree.
The main disciplines of this course are Evolutionary Biology, Scientific Ecology, Biology of Organisms, but also Mathematics and Statistics. NB: This course involves the handling and dissection of animal and plant organisms. The commission will therefore assess the candidate's ability to succeed in this training on the basis of the academic file.
In addition, the candidate for the L2 BE must clearly indicate his/her motivation in the mandatory questionnaire to be attached to the application as well as what he/she wishes to do after the bachelor's degree, so that the commission can best judge the adequacy of the course with his/her study project and his/her professional project.
The course is in high demand and our capacity is limited, with a maximum of 160 students, including repeaters. In previous years, we have received more than 400 applications for the L2, and we have retained 130 to 150 students from the L1 SVSE (ex-Monod), and therefore 10 to 30 external students (excluding L1 FDS). On average, more than 70% of these external students were from other universities (SV and SVT Bachelor's degree outside Montpellier). We therefore encourage students from BTS, DUT/BUT, or in reorientation, to apply for admission to L1 at the same time via ParcoursSup.
How to register
For all candidates (L1 SVSE and approved training included), on application, via E-candidat
International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure:
Target audience
Students in the fields of Evolutionary Biology, Scientific Ecology, and Biology of Organisms. Students or professionals in retraining for these fields
160 students, including repeaters
Mandatory prerequisites
To join the L2 course, it is necessary to have obtained an L1 Life Sciences or equivalent.
Recommended prerequisites
A foundation in scientific ecology and biology of organisms is strongly recommended for access to L2. A reasonable level of mathematics is also required.
And then
Further studies
The SV Bachelor's degree with a BE course is a general bachelor's degree: although there are opportunities for professional integration at the end of this bachelor's degree depending on the desires and skills of our students, the majority of them go on to continue their studies in a Master's degree. The generalist and multidisciplinary nature of the SV BE course allows students to join a wide range of courses.
1- Towards research careers:
Currently, many students continue their studies in a Master's degree in a specialized disciplinary field, and if necessary, they continue on to a PhD. The level of training of the SV bachelor's degree in BE allows students to integrate a wide range of Master's level training courses in the thematic fields of scientific ecology, evolutionary sciences or epidemiology (e.g. Master's mention BEE, GE and EcoEPI of the Biology Ecology teaching department).
2-Towards the professions of biodiversity and natural resources management:
The second opportunity, which is currently taking off, is that of continuing the Master's degree with a specialization in a "professionalizing" master's degree, among the courses offered in ecology, and mainly in Montpellier, in the very broad field of applied ecology, aquatic bioresources and land management.
3- Towards the professions of teaching, training and scientific communication:
The third opportunity, also expanding, is that of continuing the Master's degree with a specialization in communication and scientific animation. The initial training must make it possible to approach this specialization with a very good scientific foundation and a broad view of different disciplinary fields. The SV Bachelor's degree in BE with its pedagogical approaches is a very good springboard to these professions.
Another outlet is that of teaching professions in primary or secondary schools, in connection with the INSPE (Cursus Métiers de Éducation). In the master's program, teaching in the disciplinary fields of Life and Earth Sciences remains the responsibility of the Teaching Departments of the Faculty of Science, which allows for continuity of the teaching team.
NB: The BE degree is not however the most appropriate path to the teaching profession, which is the logical continuation of the bachelor's degree in Earth Sciences SVT-CME course for the MEEF 2nddegree or the Science & Technology degree for the MEEF1st degree.
Studying abroad
It is possible to spend part of your studies abroad under the ERASMUS program and various other programs (e.g. ERASMUS-MUNDUS, BCI (Quebec), etc.).
Bridges and reorientation
Access to the BE course from the other courses of the SV mention will require a return to L2, and will be subject to the agreement of the training managers (on application).
Similarly, a BE student who would like to reorient himself or herself in the other courses of the SV specialization must have the agreement of the managers (on file) and consider a return to L2.
Professional integration
The integration rates are rather good, allowing 58% of students from our courses to access a job less than 6 months after the end of their master's degree (excluding the continuation of a thesis or studies), and among these nearly 2/3 have a job at the management or engineering level (2018 figures).