Fundamental ecology: concepts and methods

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


This course provides an introduction to the general concepts of scientific ecology: levels of organization, measurement and conservation of biodiversity, biogeography, biotic and abiotic factors in the distribution and dynamics of biodiversity. It also provides an understanding of the methods used in scientific ecology: the value of experimentation, reflection on the construction of a protocol, data analysis, oral and written reports of experiments, etc.

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- Understanding the mechanisms and processes behind biodiversitý

- Know and know how to apply the different approaches and tools used in evolutionary biology and ecology: observation, sampling, experimentation and statistical analysis.

- Understand the different levels of organization, from the organism to the biosphere, and their interactions.

- Knowledge of tools for describing biodiversity from the gene to the biosphere

- Applications of organismal biology, evolutionary biology and ecology (health, agronomy, conservation, restoration)

- Understand the biodemographic and adaptive strategies of organisms, in relation to their resources, their interactions and the characteristics of their living environment.

- Mobilize concepts and tools from different disciplines to analyze a document, an observation or the results of an experiment.

Cross-disciplinary skills

- Propose a problem, propose and implement an observation approach, a sampling plan or an experimental approach, and analyze the resulting data, using IT tools for data entry, analysis and storage.

- Successful project management within a group

- Ability to work independently, adapt to a new context and take relevant initiatives

- Knowing how to position yourself in a group with the aim of implementing the project, knowing how to listen and exchange ideas



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Teaching hours

  • Fundamental ecology: concepts and methods - CMLecture15h
  • Fundamental ecology: concepts and methods - TDTutorial18h

Knowledge control



No. of hours

Nb Sessions

Organization (FDS or local)






Continuous control

100 %

1.5h lecture + 2 DMs














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