4 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


Objectives of the course: Comparative study of the major physiological functions in animals in relation to their environment. Study of structures and functions at various levels of integration, from the organism to the molecule.

Models addressed: mammals in comparison with other vertebrate models (teleosts....) and invertebrates (insects, crustaceans, mollusks,...).

Description: This course will cover some of the major physiological functions (respiration, nutrition, excretion and hydro-mineral regulation) as well as basic immunology and regulatory systems (nervous system and chemical communication). In addition to lectures, students will work in groups on various topics proposed by the teachers. They will present the topics in the form of lectures and synthesize the key points to be retained in the form of a written summary. Practical work and a practical test will also be offered to illustrate the courses.

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Disciplinary Skills:

- To know the major physiological functions and their diversity, in interaction with the biotic or abiotic environment;

- To know the adaptive strategies of organisms, in relation to their resources, their interactions and the characteristics of their living environment;

- Know the structure/function relationships at different scales of the organism; 

- To know the biological mechanisms at the organism, cell and molecule levels, in an eco-evolutionary context;

- Know the different levels of organization from the gene to the organism and their interactions;

- To know the mechanisms and processes at the origin of biodiversity.

Know-how :

- Know how to mobilize concepts to analyze a document, an observation or the result of an experiment;

- Know how to make an oral presentation (in English if necessary), using illustrations and a presentation adapted to the audience concerned, with the help of adapted computer tools;

- Know how to work in a group with formatting, critical analysis and writing of experimental results;

- Be able to develop a logical argument with a critical mind (limits, confrontation with the biblio, defense of a point of view).

Know-how :

- Respect others and the equipment and organizations the student is working on.

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Knowledge control




Nb of hours

Nb of sessions

Organization (SDS or resp)






Continuous control
















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Additional information

UE carried by the BioMV department, but with co-responsibility of BE, BioMV and speakers from both departments.

Coordinators: Catherine Lorin-Nebel (BE) & Aurélie Célérier (bioMV)

Contact details of the person(s) responsible (tel/email) :

catherine.lorin @ umontpellier.fr @ (04 67 14 93 91)

aurelie.celerier @ cefe.cnrs.fr @ (04 67 61 33 17)

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