2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course covers the basic physical concepts required for a quantitative understanding of biology. As in the rest of the APP biology degree, the approach is problem-based.
The program of this UE will be declined in :
- 2 Tutoring sessions of 3 hours: 2 Formative issues
- 2 x 3-hour practical sessions
- 1 CM of 1.5 h
Know and be able to manipulate, in relation to simple problems of biological interest, the elementary concepts of optics, fluid mechanics, diffusion processes, and some notions of thermodynamics.
Teaching hours
- General physics in APP - TPPractical work9h
- General physics in APP - TDTutorial2h
Mandatory prerequisites
Knowledge control
100% Continuous assessment :
- 40% Specific knowledge and know-how
- 40% Cross-disciplinary know-how
- 20% Know-how
Further information
Recommended prerequisites* :
Mathematics and physics at scientific baccalaureate level
Hourly volumes* :
CM :
TD: 7.5h
TP :
Field :6h