8 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The program of this UE will be declined on :
- 8 tutorials of 3 hours eachÂ
- 8 x 3-hour practical sessions
- 4 Scientific conferences
Understand the main events at cellular, organism and population levels that complete a life cycle, from fertilization to sexual maturity and reproductive behavior, by addressing the events (growth, development, cellular differentiation, behavior) involved at each stage.
- From zygote to multicellular embryo. Cleavage. Gastrulation: from zygote to leaflet; histogenesis and organogenesis. Stem cells / differentiated cells. Cell differentiation.
- Post-embryonic development: growth processes and stages. Germination, metamorphosis, growth
- Sexual organs: flower / gonad differentiation, sexual maturation, acquisition of sexual characteristics II - How are gametes produced? Gametogenesis and meiosis in mammals and gametophytes and gamete production in Angiosperms
- Fertilization: bringing the sexes together, reproductive behavior, bringing the gametes together and zygote formation.
These elements will be linked to
- Phylogenetic data, to link organization plans with development and ecology (eco-evo-devo)
- A genetic approach, to provide an overview of the different ways in which traits are transmitted.
Teaching hours
- APP Life Cycle - TDTutorial48h
Knowledge control
100% Continuous assessment