5 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Pharmacy


Intensive session end of April/May

- 2 level groups (depending on number of students)
- 32 hours of classes in total
- 2 days of 4h classes/week

- 2 teachers : Caroline Wemyss and Gregory Nickson

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Program: written and oral communication in English
- in a specialist context (nutrition/health)
- in a professional context (oral presentations, internship and job searches (CVs, interviews, etc.))

Main objectives
- study scientific language and vocabulary relating to topical issues (food safety, related diseases, diets and health...)
- Practice speaking in different situations relating to your professional field of expertise (role-plays, presentations)
-develop listening (podcasts, videos) and writing (reports) continuous assessment (oral comprehension, presentations, specific vocabulary, etc.)
-revision on Moodle with additional information links and videos
-Expected level at end of training course: B2/C1

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Additional information

Responsible for EU :

Gregory NICKSON: gregory.nickson@umontpellier.fr

Sonia CHALBI: sonia.chalbi@umontpellier.fr

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