• Study level

    BAC +2

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume


  • Time of year



The aim of this tutored project is to synthesize previously acquired knowledge, but also to force the student to work on new knowledge. At present, the project concerns the construction of a meteorological acquisition station. This involves the installation of various sensors measuring characteristic physical quantities such as temperature, humidity, wind speed, pressure, illumination and pollution. These sensors generate an electrical signal that synthesizes the information to be conveyed. The information is selected and coded. It is then transmitted by fiber optic or wireless means until it is decoded and formatted for display.

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The aim is to empower students by developing their sense of initiative and their ability to carry out personal work within a study group (maximum 16 people) on a given technological project illustrating the various fields of EEA (analog and digital electronics, measurement, sensors, coding/transmission/decoding of information.

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Mandatory prerequisites

Basic knowledge of electricity, electrical measurement and electronics

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Knowledge control

Students will be required to produce a report summarizing their experimental work, and to give an oral presentation before a jury. Emphasis will be placed on scientific rigor, the cross-disciplinary nature of EEA fields, and clarity of written and oral expression.

Written report + oral presentation

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