Study level
BAC +3
8 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The aim of this course is to enable students to acquire the fundamental concepts of analog electronics.
The first part is dedicated to linear analog electronics for conditioning and processing information, particularly from sensors.
The second part looks more closely at the internal structure of operational amplifiers implemented in the first part, with a study of the internal architecture of amplifier circuits based on bipolar transistors.
- Acquire the skills needed to study linear circuits based on components or active circuits, and use the associated IT tools.
- Know how to choose the right models and tools for the studies to be carried out, and understand their limitations.
- Know the basic circuits of analog electronics.
- Design, analyze and build simple linear circuits based on active components or active circuits such as AOPs.
- Acquire a scientific and rigorous approach to the studies carried out
Teaching hours
- Function of analog electronics - Practical workPractical work39h
- Function of analog electronics - CMLecture28,5h
Mandatory prerequisites
Master electrokinetics and associated mathematical tools such as limited developments, Fourier and Laplace transforms and matrix calculation.
Implementation of simple algorithms
Linear electric circuits :
General, Input-output impedances, Quadripoles
Systematic methods for circuit analysis: modified nodal analysis (MNA).
Operational amplifier :
Ideal model, finite-gain model, 1-pole. Input and output impedance, offset current and voltage.
Linear electronic functions based on operational amplifiers: summing, subtracting, integrating. Derivator, amplification.
Performance and limitations of these operational amplifier-based circuits: stability, Gain-Bandwidth product, Slew Rate, etc.
Analog filtering :
Analog filtering, transfer function synthesis (polynomial filters)
Active filters: Sallen Key, Rauch, universal filters.
Sensors and sensor conditioning
General information on acquisition chains
Active packaging
Conditioning passive sensors
Instrumentation amplifier
Diodes &Transistors
Low-frequency static and dynamic characteristics
Amplifier circuits for small low-frequency signals (common emitter, common collector, common base, differential pair and current mirror).
The aim of this part is to understand the structure of a simplified op amp, to justify the low bandwidth of an aop (compensation) and the Slew Rate.
Pushpull in connection with the power amplifier function, application for µC output.