• Study level

    BAC +2

  • ECTS

    8 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume


  • Time of year



General presentation of wave phenomena through acoustic, electromagnetic and microwave waves.

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  • Understand the concepts of waves and the physical phenomena that govern them
  • Know how to manipulate waves, notions of propagating/stationary waves
  • Establish the equations of wave propagation, whether acoustic, electromagnetic or on microwave lines, and solve these equations.
  • Understand the concepts of impedance and impedance matching
  • Know the phenomena of reflection, transmission and attenuation
  • Discover the concepts of propagation in energy potentials and their resolution (Schrödinger equation)
  • Understand concrete applications of acoustic, electromagnetic and microwave waves


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Teaching hours

  • Wave propagation - Practical workPractical work13h
  • Wave propagation - CMLecture33h
  • Wave propagation - TDTutorial19,5h

Mandatory prerequisites

Prerequisites :

Electrostatics and magnetostatics, electric and magnetic fields

Basic geometrical optics

Mathematical concepts: complex, Fourier transform...

Recommended prerequisites :

Electrostatics and magnetostatics, electric and magnetic fields

Basic geometrical optics

Mathematical concepts: complex, Fourier transform...

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Knowledge control

final examination 70% + 30% practical work

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Acoustic waves. 12 h CM, 10.5 h td

  1. Introduction: General principles of wave phenomena
  2. Acoustic waves / Sound waves; plane waves, traveling/stationary waves
  3. Wave propagation in a one-dimensional medium, pressure wave propagation equation, waves on a string.
  4. Reflection and transmission phenomena: Impedance
  5. Acoustic wave properties and associated applications (ultrasonography, sonar, etc.).
  6. Doppler effect and applications to velocimetry.
  7. Examples of applications of wave-matter interaction in the medical field

Microwave waves. CM 12h. TD 6 h, TP 9h

  1. Introduction
  2. Microwaves in the electromagnetic spectrum
  3. The electromagnetic spectrum
  4. Characteristic microwave properties
  5. Reminders (mathematics, electricity, power, dB)
  6. Locating energy in space
  7. Idealized line power transmission
  8. The T.E.M. electromagnetic wave guided by a line
  9. Voltage and current waves
  10. Characteristic line resistance
  11. Reflection at the end of the line
  12. Reflection factor
  13. Voltage trends at the ends of a line
  14. Table method
  15. Harmonic transmission lines
  16. Linear parameters
  17. Line equation (telegrapher's equation)
  18. Solving for negligible losses (radio electrician's equation)
  19. General harmonic solution
  20. Characteristic impedance, phase and attenuation constants
  21. Study of lossless transmission lines
  22. Propagation of undamped sine waves
  23. Voltage and current distribution along the line
  24. Impedance at each point of the line
  25. Reflectance and impedance
  26. Standing wave ratio
  27. Maximum and minimum value positions
  28. Standing wave ratio 

Wave physics. CM 9h, TD 9h

  1. Wave-Corpuscle Duality

            1.1 Classical physics in the 19th century

            1.2 To mechanical engineering

            1.3 Wave-corpuscle duality

2. Schrödinger equation for the free particle

            2.1 Schrödinger equation

            2.2 Quantum mechanical postulates

            2.3 Spatial equation by separation of variables

            2.4 Operators in quantum mechanics

            2.5 Boundary conditions

            2.6 Typical approach

3. Diffusion by a potential in space

            3.1 Finite potential well

            3.2 Potential walk

            3.3 Potential barrier

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