Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
Photonics is a specialty in which light is the central focus, whether in its wave or corpuscular form. Photonic solutions are essential in an immense number of fields, such as ultra-high-speed telecommunications, medicine, aeronautics, lighting, the environment (observation, processing), defense (night vision, guidance), metrology, etc. As part of the EEA bachelor's degree and this module, which is both practical (TP) and theoretical (CM/TD), we'll cover the basics of electromagnetism, such as the propagation equation of an electromagnetic wave, the properties of these waves, and their behavior at interfaces. This will be followed by the study of key phenomena in wave photonics in particular, such as diffraction and interference, enabling us to understand how light can be used for spectroscopic analysis, to measure deformations, to encode information for ultra-high-speed communications, to store information, and so on.
The aims of this module are firstly to be able to describe electromagnetic waves and how they behave, by manipulating Maxwell's equations and the usual differential operators.
In a second phase, the aim is to understand diffraction and interference phenomena, so as to acquire the knowledge needed to implement interferometers in common photonics applications such as spectroscopy, communications and strain measurements.
Teaching hours
- Photonics - TDTutorial6h
- Photonics - CMLecture15h
- Photonics - Practical workPractical work12h
Mandatory prerequisites
knowledge of waves (acoustic, microwave or other).
Recommended prerequisites: knowledge of geometrical optics.
- I. Electromagnetic waves (CM7.5h - TD 3h)
- Reminders
- Vector operators
- Basic electrostatic/magnetostatic relationships, fields and sources
- Harmonic plane wave model
- Maxwell's equations
- Historical review
- Description of Maxwell's equations
- Linking EMs to static relations
- Expression of harmonic EM
- Electromagnetic field propagation
- Electromagnetic field structure
- Propagation in vacuum, propagation equation
- (Potential propagation)
- In LHI environments
- Interface relationships
- Polarization
- Notion of light polarization
- Law of Malus
- Reflection/transmission at interface
- (Fresnel formulas)
- Electromagnetic energy
- Energy carried by an electromagnetic wave
- Poynting vector
- Mean value of the Poynting vector and applications
- II. Interference & Diffraction (CM7.5h - TD3h)
- Introduction: Interference & Diffraction (1h30)
1.1 Huygens-Fresnel principle
1.2 Different types of interference (stationary, instantaneous)
- a) Light description and formalism
- b) Monochromatic interference
- c) Instantaneous interference (beat)
- d) Interference between contra-propagating waves: longitudinal standing wave
1.3 A typical approach to studying interference and diffraction
- a) Run difference and phase shift
- b) Sum of electric fields
- c) Optical intensity evaluation
- Interferences (3h)
2.1 2-wave interference
- a) Michelson interferometer
- b) Transfer function of a 2-wave interferometer
- c) Polychromatic interference
2.2 N-wave interference
- a) Fabry-Perot cavity
- b) Airy function
- c) Fabry-Perot with gain (laser)
2.3 Other common interferometers & applications
- Diffraction (3h)
3.1 Near field & far field
3.2 Far-field slit diffraction
3.3 Far-field Fourier transform
3.4 Diffraction through a hole
3.5 Young's cracks
3.6 Diffraction grating
TP1. Polarization & Diffraction of light
TP2. Mach-Zehnder amplitude modulator for optical communications
TP3. Grating spectrometer
TP4. Detection of weak optical signals