Study level
BAC +3
8 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
Grafcet part (4h30 CM, 6h TD, 6h TP)
- Standard definition, stages, actions, transitions, receptivities
- Classic structures, semaphore, communication
- Input-output, time
- Implementation: evolution rules and algorithms, equivalent logic equations, state machines, PLCs
Logic part (3h CM, 3h TD, 3h TP)
- Logic reminders
- FSM coding
Architecture part (9h CM, 6h TD, 6h TP)
- Von Neumann machine operating principles
- Addressing modes and memory access
- Wired and microprogrammed sequencers
- Principle of interruption systems
- Inputs / outputs
Programming part (6h CM, 15h TP)
- Implementing device programming
- C and assembly languages
- STM32 board
Select and implement a conventional combinatorial and/or sequential digital circuit. Understand how a computer architecture works. Know how to use an automation description language, GRAFCET. Master advanced language programming.
Teaching hours
- Industrial Computing - CMLecture22,5h
- Industrial computing - TDTutorial15h
- Industrial computing - Practical workPractical work30h
Mandatory prerequisites
Combinatorial and sequential logic