Training structure
Faculty of Science
Irradiation of nuclear materials
2 creditsProject management - Corporate law
4 creditsPractical work
2 credits20hSupramolecular chemistry of f and d elements
2 creditsAnalytical strategy for radionuclides
2 creditsModeling for separation and containment
2 creditsSynthesis and remanufacture of combustible materials
2 creditsReprocessing and direct storage of nuclear fuels
2 creditsUpstream cycle: extractive and separative chemistry
2 creditsSeparative chemistry
2 creditsGlass matrices: synthesis and long-term behavior
2 creditsDismantling and decontamination processes
2 creditsMembrane separation and liquid extraction processes
2 creditsRadioactivity and the environment
2 credits
Advanced English
2 creditsBibliographic project/Scientific information
3 creditsInternship 4-6 months
25 credits
Irradiation of nuclear materials
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course covers the concepts needed to understand the consequences of irradiation on ceramic materials (fuels, specific containment matrices). In the case of nuclear fuel materials, the aim is to analyze degradation phenomena within materials (point defects, extensive defects) and the associated consequences for long-term behavior under storage or disposal conditions. In this context, irradiation/leaching couplings will also be addressed.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 12h
TD : 8h
Project management - Corporate law
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Practical work
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The program focuses on an experimental approach to basic knowledge of radiochemistry, separative chemistry and conversion processes. This knowledge will be applied to specific examples.
Supramolecular chemistry of f and d elements
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
A general approach to the supramolecular chemistry of the f elements will be developed through notions of molecular recognition, specific physico-chemical properties of lanthanides and actinides and supramolecular materials.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 12h
TD : 8h
Analytical strategy for radionuclides
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course covers various aspects of measuring radionuclides in solution, as well as the analytical strategy required for reliable measurement. All radiochemical techniques will be introduced, including isotopic labelling and dilution, and separation and purification methods prior to radioactive measurement. An important part of this teaching unit will also cover the choice of instrumental techniques according to the radionuclide under consideration, the expression of a counting result taking into account measurement uncertainties, and the statistical approach associated with nuclear counting.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 12h
TD : 8h
Modeling for separation and containment
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This modeling course aims to introduce modern material modeling methods that can be used to study separative chemistry and complex media. The idea is to present the different scales of description used to describe chemistry, from molecular simulations to thermodynamic models such as those used in chemical engineering. Particular interest is shown in statistical thermodynamics, which provides a link between these scales of description.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 12 H
TD: 8 H
Synthesis and remanufacture of combustible materials
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit covers various aspects of nuclear fuel synthesis and remanufacturing. Following a description of the different categories of nuclear fuel, the manufacturing processes used on an industrial scale will be discussed. The various methods of fuel reprocessing (recycling), conversion and remanufacturing will be described. The constraints involved in optimizing new fuel materials for Generation III and IV reactors will be discussed, highlighting the changing constraints on materials and their environment.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 12h
TD : 8h
Reprocessing and direct storage of nuclear fuels
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course covers the concepts needed to understand the dissolution or leaching/alteration of ceramic materials. In the case of nuclear fuel materials, the aim is to analyze degradation phenomena under aggressive conditions, representative of a recycling or reprocessing stage, as well as those linked to alteration under "softer" conditions, representative of direct storage in a deep geological formation.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 12h
TD : 8h
Upstream cycle: extractive and separative chemistry
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit covers the concepts essential for understanding the upstream part of the nuclear power cycle, and sheds light on the position of nuclear energy in today's energy mix. The concepts covered range from uranium extraction/concentration in conventional and non-conventional mines to nuclear fuel fabrication, covering isotope conversion and enrichment techniques.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 12h
TD : 8h
Separative chemistry
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this separative chemistry course is to introduce the various concepts needed to study separative chemistry. The idea is to present the role of the various interactions present in complex media and their role in separation. Experimental measurement of these different effects, their practical representation, and the link with interfacial phenomena are also covered.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 12 H
TD: 8 H
Glass matrices: synthesis and long-term behavior
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit covers various aspects relating to the synthesis, characterization and long-term behavior of glass matrices. The first aspect concerns the methodology used to study the long-term behavior of glass matrices under weathering conditions, with particular emphasis on the initial characteristics of the materials, the key phenomena governing their behavior and suitable predictive models. This will be followed by a discussion of leaching and irradiation aging of glassy materials. These concepts will be supported by a case study on the long-term behavior of nuclear glass.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 12h
TD : 8h
Dismantling and decontamination processes
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit will cover the various techniques available for dismantling and decontaminating nuclear facilities. After describing the issues and operations involved in dismantling facilities, and the measurement tools available (imagers, gamma spectrometers, etc.), the decontamination processes available will be presented, depending on the nature of the objects to be decontaminated (conventional decontamination processes or complex fluid processes). Several innovative techniques for decontaminating contaminated surfaces will be presented (conventional decontamination processes, micellar solutions, gels, foams, supercritical fluids).
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 12h
TD : 8h
Membrane separation and liquid extraction processes
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit focuses on membrane separation and liquid-liquid extraction processes. The section on membrane separation processes will deal first with classic liquid phase separation processes (microfiltration, ultrafiltration, etc.) and gas treatment. More innovative processes, such as membrane contactors and reactors, will be covered in a second section. The section on liquid-liquid extraction processes begins with a general overview, and then moves on to the PUREX process for reprocessing spent fuel. A final section will deal with methods for modeling liquid-liquid extraction operations.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 12h
TD : 8h
Radioactivity and the environment
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this teaching unit is to gain a better understanding of the chemical behavior of radionuclides under environmental conditions. To this end, the notion of speciation in different environmental compartments will be introduced, as well as the various techniques that can contribute to global analysis. The focus will be on X-ray absorption, X-ray fluorescence imaging, transmission electron microscopy and SIMS. Speciation results will then be correlated with potential environmental impacts.
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 12h
TD : 8h
Advanced English
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Bibliographic project/Scientific information
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Scientific information: The aim of this course is to familiarize students with the search for and management of scientific information. Recent bibliographic research tools will be explained and used in lectures and practical work (electronic documentation: Scifinder / Isis / Belstein). Training in the functionalities of the Zotero tool and in the use of the electronic laboratory notebook will also be provided. The writing and use of scientific publications will also be covered.
Bibliographic project: Scientific information research tools will be applied to a concrete case. The pedagogical team will propose a bibliographical subject related to the student's chosen field of study. This bibliographical subject may, where appropriate, be defined in agreement with the host organization where the internship is to be carried out.
For this personal project, students will have access to all the bibliographic sources of the university or company hosting them. Bibliographic work may be combined with the English teaching unit to prepare an oral presentation at an international conference.
Internship 4-6 months
Study level
BAC +5
25 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The 4-6 month internship must be carried out in a research laboratory or company specializing in extractive or separative chemistry, recycling chemistry, radiochemistry, materials chemistry or process chemistry. Students will have the opportunity to carry out this end-of-study internship in academic research laboratories or industrial establishments. Subject to prior approval by the teaching staff (internship subject in line with Master's courses and suitable environment/means), students may seek a host team in an academic environment in the institutes of the Chemistry Pole of the University of Montpellier, in academic laboratories outside the University of Montpellier (in France or abroad) or in the private sector (in France or abroad).
This internship, lasting 4 to 6 months, can start at the beginning of March, and will be preceded by the submission of a bibliographical report on the internship topic and an oral defense before a jury.
How to register
Applications can be submitted on the following platforms:
- French & European students must submit their application via the e-candidat application: https: //
- International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure: https: //