Training structure
Faculty of Science
How the tree works
4 credits33hInterdisciplinary project common thread 1
3 creditsPersonal project and professional motivation
2 creditsAnalysis, data and statistics applied to wood sciences
3 credits21hWood for the tree 1: chemical composition and microstructure
5 credits36hDiversity of mechanical and physicochemical properties
5 credits40,5hWood Science Case Study
5 creditsForests, timber and global issues
3 credits24h
15 creditsAnnual project common thread 2
5 creditsFrom the tree to the uses
5 credits46,5hEnglish for wood science 1
2 credits18hWood for the tree 2: biomechanics and tree hydraulics
3 credits22,5h
How the tree works
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
Morphogenesis and processes fundamental to the development of the tree
Primary growth (organogenesis and elongation; caulinar & root)
Secondary growth (how cambium and phellogen work)
Branching and branching patterns
Reproduction (from flower to fruit) and reproductive phenology
Tree architecture
Architectural models
The concept of architectural unity
The reiteration
Senescence and Dieback
Morphogenetic gradients
Root architecture
Diversity, variability and plasticity of tree functioning and adaptation
Structure-time relations: dendrochronological approaches
Phenology and chronobiology
Primary growth, branching, flowering and morpho-anatomical markers
Cambial functioning and growth rings
A posteriori reconstruction of the development of the tree
Ecophysiology and functional architecture of trees
Mechanical support
Root absorption (incl. role of mycorrhizae)
Trade-off and trade-offs between functions
Adaptations and structure-function relationships
Adaptation to herbivory (spinescence, underground stems, latex, chemical compounds, ...)
Resistance to pathogens (bark, latex, etc.)
Fire resistance (bark, ability to reject, pyrophytes, etc.)
Drought tolerance/resistance
Wood as a marker of history
Dendrochronology / Dendroclimatology
Marker of vegetation, uses, climate
Practical work analysis of carrots after drying...
Interdisciplinary project common thread 1
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Personal project and professional motivation
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Analysis, data and statistics applied to wood sciences
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
- Introduction to statistics and scientific approach
Scientific approach
Data structuring
Descriptive statistics
Overview of analytical methods
A Critical Look at Statistics
- Univariate analyses
Comparison tests
Compliance of a distribution
Simple regression and variance/covariance analysis
- Multivariate Analyses
Correlations and principal component analysis
Multiple linear regression
Non-linear adjustments
- Classification and discrimination
Classification (supervised, unsupervised)
Segmentation and discrimination
- Statistical analysis tools
Introduction to R software
Wood for the tree 1: chemical composition and microstructure
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
- Taxonomy / phylogeny: the concept of species
- The origins of the tree / the origins of wood - Appearance of tree forms, invention of wood and evolution
- Evolution of the cambium and the vascular system
- Diversity of woody planes (tracheids / vessels / fibers / parenchymas)
- Anatomical traits and taxonomic recognition of temperate and tropical woods
- Chemical composition of wood
- Macromolecules (Cellulose, hemicelluloses, lignins,...) and their properties (Tg)
- Nano-structure - meso and nano-porosity, organization of cellulose microfibrils (interaction between chemical compounds)
- Chemical composition of wood
- Secondary metabolites (function, composition, diversity), extractable
- Chemical composition of wood - Gums, latex, exudates, resins
Diversity of mechanical and physicochemical properties
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
Mechanical behaviour of wood
One-dimensional elastic behavior and material strength (RDM) applied to structures with wooden beams and introduction to design codes (finite element modeling).
One-dimensional visco-elasticity and damping.
Orthotropic behavior.
Behavior at breakage.
Quasi-static and vibration measurement methods.
Woods vs. other materials (Ashby maps).
Physicochemical properties of wood
Thermal and hygroscopic properties (shrinkage-swelling), consequence on elastic properties.
Relationships between structure, chemistry and physico-mechanical behavior (from the cell wall scale to the macroscopic scale).
Sensory properties: colours, smells, touch, sound and taste properties.
Diversity of woods and diversity of uses
Variability within a species and diversity between species (temperate, Mediterranean, tropical) of physico-mechanical properties.
Woods at the interface of several categories of diversity (biological, physico-mechanical, functional, cultural), illustrated by specific uses and through different geocultural areas.
Wood Science Case Study
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The case study is a stimulating stage in training and learning which aims, through a real situation of a company, industrial sector or research, linked to the forestry-wood sector, to develop not only the knowledge of students, but above all the know-how and interpersonal skills of managers and leaders. The case study is therefore oriented towards active learning of the students through group reflection and discussion in a real situation.
The different subjects of study are proposed by industrialists, professionals and researchers and teacher-researchers. The themes of the subjects are interdisciplinary, scientific, technical, or socio-economic.
To meet the client's request, the student uses his or her previous knowledge and combines it with his or her newly acquired knowledge. Supervised by one or more pedagogical tutors, the group of students will be in charge of developing instructions, procedures, specifications, reports and study results from the results of tests, trials and/or surveys, in order to meet the client's request. Dialogue with one's peers, through exchange, confrontation or argumentation, contributes strongly to the good conduct of this project.
Forests, timber and global issues
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
History and sociology around wood
History of the uses of wood, from the Paleolithic to the present day
Myths around trees and wood: a storytelling tour of the Jardin des Plantes
Wood and the forest: representations and uses
Carbon and climate change
Greenhouse effect and climate change
Carbon footprint from forest to wood products
Economics and geopolitics of the timber industry
Carbon economy
The global timber industry - Geopolitics and sustainability of wood uses - Global flows
Players in the traditional and technical wood industry, in France and around the world
Geopolitics of production, conflicts of land use. Value of the forest in relation to other uses (mining, agriculture, urban planning, etc.)
Forest ecosystem services
Biodiversity, air/water filtering, hydraulic regulator
Reception of the public, picking products, hunting,
Landscape, opening/closing of environments
Annual project common thread 2
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
From the tree to the uses
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
Logging and primary processing.
1stand 2nd processing
Structuring the 1sttransformation
Growth constraints and technological consequences
Drying and hygroscopic behaviour
Degradation and durability
English for wood science 1
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
Listening comprehension - video supports, conferences, group exchanges
Reading comprehension - based on articles in the scientific press
Interactive Speaking - lectures, debates and group work
Writing - note-taking (reports)
Wood for the tree 2: biomechanics and tree hydraulics
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
Biophysical specifications for the tree
Mechanics of the shaft subjected to gravity
Shaft hydraulics
Shaft mechanics under external loading
Integrative biophysics of the tree
Biophysical adaptations and wood quality
How to register
Applications can be submitted on the following platform:
- French & European students: follow the "Mon Master" procedure on the website: https: //