Diversity of mechanical and physicochemical properties

  • ECTS

    5 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume



Mechanical behaviour of wood

One-dimensional elastic behavior and material strength (RDM) applied to structures with wooden beams and introduction to design codes (finite element modeling).

One-dimensional visco-elasticity and damping.

Orthotropic behavior.

Behavior at breakage.

Quasi-static and vibration measurement methods.

Woods vs. other materials (Ashby maps).

Physicochemical properties of wood

Thermal and hygroscopic properties (shrinkage-swelling), consequence on elastic properties.

Relationships between structure, chemistry and physico-mechanical behavior (from the cell wall scale to the macroscopic scale).

Sensory properties: colours, smells, touch, sound and taste properties.

Diversity of woods and diversity of uses

Variability within a species and diversity between species (temperate, Mediterranean, tropical) of physico-mechanical properties.

Woods at the interface of several categories of diversity (biological, physico-mechanical, functional, cultural), illustrated by specific uses and through different geocultural areas.

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The aim of the "Diversity of mechanical and physico-chemical properties" course is to acquire knowledge of the physico-mechanical behavior of wood, and its specific features (heterogeneity, anisotropy and variability) in relation to its structure and chemistry. Emphasis will be placed on intra- and inter-species diversity and the consequences for uses.

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