Forests, timber and global issues

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume



 History and sociology around wood

            History of the uses of wood, from the Paleolithic to the present day

            Myths around trees and wood: a storytelling tour of the Jardin des Plantes

            Wood and the forest: representations and uses

Carbon and climate change

            Greenhouse effect and climate change

            Carbon footprint from forest to wood products

Economics and geopolitics of the timber industry           

            Carbon economy

            The global timber industry - Geopolitics and sustainability of wood uses - Global flows

            Players in the traditional and technical wood industry, in France and around the world

            Geopolitics of production, conflicts of land use. Value of the forest in relation to other uses (mining, agriculture, urban planning, etc.)

Forest ecosystem services

            Biodiversity, air/water filtering, hydraulic regulator

            Reception of the public, picking products, hunting,

            Landscape, opening/closing of environments

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The "Forest, wood and global issues" EU aims to understand the historical, economic, geopolitical, societal and environmental context surrounding forests and wood at a global and local level.

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Target skills

Describe environmental concepts (climate change, carbon sinks, carbon emissions)

Understanding how the forest and its uses have been perceived over time by different cultures and economies

Describe the interactions between forestry and global environmental issues

Describe the ecosystem services provided by the forest

Describe the wood industry on a global and local scale, and assess the economic and geopolitical stakes involved.

Acquire theoretical and practical notions for conducting field surveys - ability to write an "interview guide" for the field week

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