Training structure
Faculty of Science
Water and law
5 creditsScientific writing
3 creditsWater governance and the interplay of scales
3 creditsIrrigation and development
3 creditsWater and development
3 creditsProject management-2
3 creditsHistory of water
3 creditsWater policy
3 creditsProfessions and players in water and aquatic environments
2 credits0hES 3 student project
2 credits
5 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
7 creditsUE CHOIX 1-2-2
2 creditsChoice: 1 of 3
Events project / Call for tender
2 creditsWater and Development
2 creditsWater and the South
2 credits
3 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
M2R preparation - ES
3 creditsWater and climate change
3 credits
International Field Schools - North & South
5 credits
M2 ES Apprenticeship
22 creditsES 4 alternating project
3 credits
Water and law
Study level
BAC +5
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim is to study the involvement of local authorities in environmental matters and the action of government departments. To do this, we'll be looking at local authority competence in water management, as well as the role of inter-municipal cooperation structures in water management and resource protection.
Students should be familiar with French jurisdictional organization, the normative hierarchy and legal balances. An introduction to legal mechanisms (notion of contract, rudiments of corporate law, etc.) will also be useful. The use of contracts as a means of administering resources (public service delegations and public procurement) will also be considered. For a complete understanding of the subject of this study, it is essential to consider the treatment of coastal waters in our region.
A study of the exercise of administrative police powers in the field of water management will be necessary to understand the law on ICPE and IOTA, and to consider territorial environmental planning and water resource management (SDAGE, SAGE and other schemes).
Watercourse law in France and the study of the small and large water cycle will help us understand how risk planning and the implementation of what is known as GEMAPI competence have developed in recent years.
Finally, with a lawyer specializing in environmental law and particularly experienced in water resource litigation, students will be able to reflect on conflict resolution mechanisms.
In this way, it will be possible to examine effective public participation in water management, and the recognition and assertion of the right to water and the right to sanitation.
A quick look at EU water law and European environmental law will complete the training.
Scientific writing
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Every future Master's graduate, whether with a "Professional" or "Research" profile, needs to master the tools and codes of effective scientific written communication. Improving your scientific writing skills is essential if you are to add value to your work and communicate it to your peers, colleagues, clients...
Water governance and the interplay of scales
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Governance is a polysemous word, used in opposition to government to indicate a less centralized form of power. The term's success probably stems from its ambiguity. Indeed, it is a concept sometimes used to challenge central executive power (monarchy, corporate management, etc.) in a context where it is perceived as hegemonic, and sometimes used to call for more government, in a market context perceived as chaotic, but in which the dominant ideology is opposed to centralized intervention. It is therefore both a concept for demanding more and less government.
This UE approaches governance from a critical and reflexive angle, with a historical depth that integrates the evolutionary trajectories of public action between globalization and Europeanization on the one hand, and decentralization and territorialization on the other, in contexts of growing uncertainty, global change and transitions. In particular, it explores the following questions:
- Governance? Dominant concept, critical approach, institutional, socio-political context, emergence, evolution in a context of global change?
- Construction of water policies and governance; Role of concepts and discourses; How can modes of governance be influenced or changed? How can collective values promoted by IWRM be better taken into account? Importance of the long term, historical depth and foresight?
- What room for maneuver do stakeholders have at local, national and international levels? What are the strategies for managing a water territory? Illustrating the diversity of modes of governance
- Water governance: between integration and fragmentation?
- Water as an 'inter-connecting fluid' for stakeholders and ecosystems: what kind of governance is needed for these interactions and their social translation?
Irrigation and development
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The three main models of irrigation worldwide - large-scale hydraulics, community irrigation and private irrigation - are presented in their historical context, based on an in-depth documentary analysis and illustrations of concrete cases, with a focus on the Mediterranean region.
These three different irrigation models are presented (ideology, construction, water management, agricultural development, actors, etc.) using a theoretical framework based on oxymorons. These models are then illustrated through various case studies, presented in PowerPoint presentations, videos and articles.
The main references for each type of irrigation system will be presented and discussed. Each irrigation model is discussed with the students, who present their analyses through a guided exercise. Once the three irrigation models are understood, the course focuses on the analysis of rural development models linked to irrigation. The analysis is based on a critical analysis of dualistic development theory, applied to irrigation systems.
Water and development
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
KNOWLEDGE - Passing on knowledge (in the case of Gironde), concerning :
- A - Water legislation
- B - Irrigation engineering
- C - Assessment and performance of water management systems
- D - Economic evaluation of public policies
- E - Management tools for economic regulation
- F - Financial management of development projects
- G - Water governance systems
- H - Environmental impact assessment methods
- I - Groundwater management
KNOW-HOW - Bringing concrete experience to bear and conveying the situational viewpoint of a territorial engineer through case studies to achieve, on the theme of water :
- territorial analysis and forecasting ;
- territorial design actions (production with mastery of procedures, budgetary coordination and steering (elected representatives relations) of territorial and urban projects);
- management of territorial and urban projects (human resources management).
SKILLS - Learn how to design a project, while taking into account the heritage nature of water, and learn about the jobs of a territorial engineer, who can be positioned in the following positions:
- a - environmental consultant / project manager / advisor / engineer,
- b - watershed coordinator
- c - coordinator of SAGE, regional or national parks
I can give a testimonial on the following trades:
- d - Water-environment project manager for international organizations
- e - corporate environment manager
- f - researcher or research engineer in environmental social sciences
Project management-2
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course covers project planning and task time estimation, the SWOT matrix/sabotage exercise, risk management, meeting organization and facilitation, and oral project presentation. Other elements of project management can be addressed on a case-by-case basis, such as financial management, the role of the project manager, relations with partners, and the use of tools such as the to-do list, Kanban, shared calendar, etc.
Following on from the Project Management UE of Master 1, the Project Management UE of Master 2 is designed to verify the assimilation of skills acquired in the previous year, and to go further by focusing on a longer project (a few weeks to a few months), whether individual or in a group, a study project or a personal project.
History of water
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The EU aims to provide elements for building a historical framework and analyzing archives on water management.
It covers the history of water management models, the history of hydraulic engineers and hydraulics, and the social and political history of water management in the Latin American country of Ecuador.
It also presents the departmental archive system.
Water policy
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Water-related issues are often presented from a purely technical and/or functional angle. The idea is to manage the resource "well" (equitably, economically, respectfully of nature, etc.), based on available scientific knowledge. However, this approach is unrealistic. Whatever the territorial scale concerned, water management is largely structured by political issues.
Professions and players in water and aquatic environments
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
Through the involvement of professionals, this course gives students an insight into the professions and players involved in water and aquatic environments in France.
The course consists of 4 sequences, with speakers from local authorities, private engineering firms and government departments.
Sequence 1: Overview of "Major Cycle" professions: river management and protection, flood prevention and "Minor Cycle" professions: drinking water, wastewater treatment, rainwater. This sequence defines the professions and discusses their development
Sequence 2: Presentation of public contracting (specifications, regulations, public contracts), project management (carrying out studies in response to public orders, consortiums) and execution (carrying out and monitoring work).
Sequence 3: Regulatory dossiers, monitoring work by the water police: Checking the conformity of development projects, law enforcement
Sequence 4: Professions linked to aquatic environment management: environmental contract (management and implementation of management projects) and SAGE (local water planning, monitoring, observatory, data management, popularization, relationship with science).
In these sequences, the participants present their jobs and their relationships with other players in water management.
ES 3 student project
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
UE CHOIX 1-2-2
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Events project / Call for tender
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this cross-disciplinary course is to give students from several courses the opportunity to organize an event-based project on a topical water-related theme, in line with their commitments, their career plans, societal issues and the challenges of global transitions and changes....
The project is led by the students, from definition to implementation at the event, with occasional support from the teaching teams at key stages.
Water and Development
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this joint course with AgroParisTech's specialized post-master's degree in "Water Management" is to provide students with a development profile with an insight into the issues and organization of development projects on the theme of water (drinking water, sanitation, agricultural water).
This course alternates between testimonials, feedback from experts and development professionals on water issues, and testimonials from students (Mastère Spécialisé Gestion de l'Eau) or students with international experience in water or agriculture.
This course is open as an option to students of the Master's degree in Water Sciences, subject to a numerus clausus of students.
Water and the South
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Water resources and their management are often approached through the knowledge and principles established in the developed countries of the temperate zone. Yet the countries of the South, starting with the Mediterranean and Africa, offer us an extreme diversity of social and environmental situations that force us to significantly modify our points of view and question the validity of certain approaches that are too far removed from the reality on the ground.
Researchers working mainly in developing countries draw on their practical experience to reflect on the specific nature of hydrological and geochemical processes in very dry or very wet tropical regions, the consequences of anthropization and the challenges of sustainable water resource management.
A significant amount of time is devoted to critical analysis of scientific articles dealing with water resources and their management in the South.
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
M2R preparation - ES
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Water and climate change
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to present the current and future impacts on all sectors associated with the water sector.
What are the trends in climate extremes such as droughts and floods, and in the regions affected by these extremes? What impact will this have on underground and surface water resources, agricultural land and irrigation methods?
How are sea levels and coastlines changing? How does this impact current and future population movements, and what solutions can be proposed for coastal management?
Through a series of lectures given by specialists from different fields, and covering all the Water Master's courses, this course will present the latest advances in this field.
Through TD and TP sessions, students will be asked to work in groups on a particular theme (using an example) associating climate change with a water-related field, in order to present a summary of the subject. This work will be presented in the form of a mini-seminar, and will be assessed as part of this course.
International Field Schools - North & South
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
M2 ES Apprenticeship
22 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
ES 4 alternating project
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
How to register
Applications can be submitted on the following platform:
- French & European students must submit their application via the e-candidat application: https: //