Professions and players in water and aquatic environments

  • Study level

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    2 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume



Through the involvement of professionals, this course gives students an insight into the professions and players involved in water and aquatic environments in France.

The course consists of 4 sequences, with speakers from local authorities, private engineering firms and government departments.

Sequence 1: Overview of "Major Cycle" professions: river management and protection, flood prevention and "Minor Cycle" professions: drinking water, wastewater treatment, rainwater. This sequence defines the professions and discusses their development

Sequence 2: Presentation of public contracting (specifications, regulations, public contracts), project management (carrying out studies in response to public orders, consortiums) and execution (carrying out and monitoring work).

Sequence 3: Regulatory dossiers, monitoring work by the water police: Checking the conformity of development projects, law enforcement

Sequence 4: Professions linked to aquatic environment management: environmental contract (management and implementation of management projects) and SAGE (local water planning, monitoring, observatory, data management, popularization, relationship with science).

In these sequences, the participants present their jobs and their relationships with other players in water management.


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- Introduce students to the main water-related professions (engineering level and focus on studies), in both the private and public sectors.

- Introduce the institutional players involved in water and aquatic environments

- Showing the diversity of professions

- Provide initial guidance


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Knowledge control

Writing a summary based on scientific articles (individual work) or drafting specifications (group work).

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