Water and agriculture: scientific issues and questions

  • Level of study

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


The content of the module is structured as follows: -A series of lectures: 1-Water resources and food security, 2-Environmental impact of agriculture on water resources and aquatic environments, 3-Current advances and challenges in agronomic research for the optimization of water consumption by plants, and 4-Management of water demand in agriculture. -Tutorials: Food security and prospective scenario. -A prospective work in small groups will be implemented to produce scenarios related to the state of water resources and food production on a case study of a southern country.

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The objective of this EU is to offer a synthetic and global vision of the issues at stake at the intersection of water resource management and food, knowing that agriculture consumes 70% of water resources and that irrigated agriculture alone covers 40% of world food needs. Meeting the anticipated food needs by 2050 will require agricultural intensification on a global scale. This will come up against the effective availability of water resources and the quantitative and qualitative impacts that it will have on these resources.


Hourly volumes* :

            CM : 12

            TD : 6

            TP : 9


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Knowledge control

Review: 0%.

Continuous assessment: 100%.

Each group of students (4-5) will write a synthetic report presenting the prospective scenario that the group has arrived at and justifying its hypotheses and choices. The report and the spreadsheets will be evaluated and graded.


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Water balance, agricultural water, diffuse pollution, irrigation, water for food

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