Training structure
Faculty of Science
Measurement and Imaging in Mechanical R&D
5 creditsEnd-of-study project
10 creditsIndustrial or research laboratory internship
15 credits
Standards and regulations
2 creditsBiomechanics
5 creditsStarting a business
3 creditsFundamentals of materials mechanics
3 creditsMotion capture and inverse dynamics
5 creditsCHOIX1
12 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
12 creditsProfessional integration
2 creditsCalculation notes
6 creditsSimu num advanced
4 credits
12 creditsContinuum Mechanics
4 creditsFinite element method
3 creditsRefresher courses (statics, kinematics, dynamics)
5 credits
Measurement and Imaging in Mechanical R&D
Study level
BAC +5
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Field measurements are increasingly used in engineering, particularly in Mechanics. The aim of this module is to introduce the basics of different imaging methods, using image interpretation models of increasing complexity.
We begin by defining the operating principles of imaging devices, then introduce some mathematical morphology tools for extracting statistical information about quantities of a geometric nature.
We then look at infrared thermography methods through two interpretation models: camera calibration and inversion of the thermal problem to access heat sources.
Finally, Image Correlation methods are presented, with emphasis on the various underlying interpretation models (camera, transformation, conservation of optical flow, likelihood criterion).The course concludes with a comparison between experimental measurements and a numerical model, using a finite-element model recalibration method.Theoretical lectures are backed up by practical work sessions to apply processing methods and illustrate the influence of the main analysis parameters.
End-of-study project
Study level
BAC +5
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is of paramount importance in the training program. It involves putting into practice all the knowledge and skills acquired throughout the curriculum, by carrying out a long-term scientific project.
Industrial or research laboratory internship
15 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Standards and regulations
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is common to the CDPI and Biomechanics courses. It lies at the heart of any industrial product design process, whether for healthcare or any other field. In this unit, various players from the socio-economic world will contribute their experience in the field.
Study level
BAC +5
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Biomechanics is an interdisciplinary field that has developed considerably in recent years. It covers numerous fields of application, such as sports movement analysis, accidentology, traumatology, orthopedics, biocompatibility of osteo-articular prostheses, functional rehabilitation, aid to diagnosis and management of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases, tissue growth and remodeling, tissue engineering, etc.
Starting a business
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This UE is applied to the "innovative project in mechanics". The aim is to give the student the elements needed to simulate the creation of a company, based on the product or range of products developed as part of the innovative project.
This UE is divided into :
courses taught by professionals from the world of business creation
consultations with professionals to help students (groups of up to 3) simulate setting up their own business.
Fundamentals of materials mechanics
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This module provides a basic understanding of the various mechanical behaviors of materials and how they can be studied using experiments or models. The module begins with an elementary review of continuum mechanics under the Small Perturbation Hypothesis (SPH). The different classes of mechanical behavior of materials will be studied (elasticity, viscoelasticity, plasticity, etc.), as well as the different mechanical moduli (Young, compressibility, shear, Poisson's ratio, etc.), for all types of materials (metals, composites, polymers, etc.). After studying the links between the various microstructures and mechanical properties, the main tests used to characterize the mechanical behavior of materials will be outlined. Basic notions of anisotropic elasticity will also be presented (anisotropic elasticity tensors, orthotropy, transverse isotropy). The basic rheological models commonly used to model these behaviors will then be presented, and it will be shown how their parameters can be identified. The module concludes with a presentation of dynamic analysis methods (DMA).
Motion capture and inverse dynamics
Study level
BAC +5
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is common to both the CSIM and Biomechanics programs. It combines skills in the mechanics of indeformable solids and imaging. It applies equally to biomechanics, robotics and other fields related to motion analysis, such as motion capture for video games. It comprises a theoretical part, consisting of lectures and practical sessions, and a practical part, carried out in conjunction with the UFR STAPS.
Professional integration
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to prepare students for professional interviews by giving them the keys to making the most of their past experience.
This teaching is based on interview simulation games constructed on the basis of existing job offers.
Labor law deals with the analysis of the main rules of the employment contract, including the employee's obligations, the employer's obligations and the termination of the employment relationship.
Calculation notes
Study level
BAC +5
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is an extension of the "Advanced Numerical Simulation" module. It is a project-based module that focuses on the calculation aspect, in the same way as is done in design offices.
Simu num advanced
Study level
BAC +5
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Chapter 1: Large deformations and numerical processing
Chapter 2: Numerical solutions of stationary and unsteady problems (elastoplasticity, contact, friction)
Chapter 3: Numerical solutions in transient dynamics and modal analysis
Classes are supported by practical exercises, and practical work is carried out using ANSYS software.
Continuum Mechanics
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Finite element method
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Refresher courses (statics, kinematics, dynamics)
Study level
BAC +5
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Biomechanics is essentially based on the various mechanistic theories (solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, etc.) applied to the study of biological systems. As the Biomechanics course is open to people who are not necessarily experts in mechanics (doctors, orthopedists, physiotherapists, etc.), it is necessary to introduce them to basic notions of rigid solid mechanics. The human body can be considered, to a first approximation, as a set of body segments (foot, leg, thigh, hip, chest, etc.) articulated together. These segments can be modeled by rigid solids in order to study aspects of the body's static equilibrium, such as its movements, shocks and traumatology.
How to register
- French & European students must submit their application via the e-candidat application: https: //