Study level
BAC +5
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Biomechanics is essentially based on the various mechanistic theories (solid mechanics, fluid mechanics, etc.) applied to the study of biological systems. As the Biomechanics course is open to people who are not necessarily experts in mechanics (doctors, orthopedists, physiotherapists, etc.), it is necessary to introduce them to basic notions of rigid solid mechanics. The human body can be considered, to a first approximation, as a set of body segments (foot, leg, thigh, hip, chest, etc.) articulated together. These segments can be modeled by rigid solids in order to study aspects of the body's static equilibrium, such as its movements, shocks and traumatology.
The aim of this Teaching Unit is to give the basics of (i) statics (including notions of strength of materials), (ii) kinematics and (iii) dynamics of the rigid solid.
This is project-based teaching, focusing on human biomechanics issues such as (non-exhaustive list):
- study of equilibrium positions of the body or sub-parts of it in various positions.
- kinematic study of gait
- determine the energy aspects of movement and link them to the muscles involved
- application of shock laws and study of traumatological consequences (rupture, etc.)
Mandatory prerequisites
recommended* :
Analysis and algebra in L1
Basic knowledge of anatomy
Vectors and vector calculus