Training structure
Faculty of Science
Open Health Access course (L.AS).
Mechanical design 1
English S5
2 creditsStrength of materials
5 creditsDesign management
5 creditsFluid mechanics
5 creditsRheology of materials
3 creditsDimensioning and metrology
5 credits
Design office
5 creditsMechanical design 2
English for mechanical engineering
3 creditsStructure and design (POLYTECH)
5 creditsR&D and innovation seminar (framed teaching)
2 creditsDeformable solid mechanics
5 creditsIndustrial project
5 credits
Mechanical design 1
Study level
BAC +3
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit is a first advanced module in mechanical design. It provides tools for the discriminating choice of technologies to meet classic mechanism functions (embedding and rotational guidance by bearings), based on partially supplied functional specifications, industrial documentation and regulatory standards. Practical work on analyzing existing mechanisms and designing basic technological solutions will complete the course.
English S5
Study level
BAC +3
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD language courses aimed at training the 5 language skills;
Oral comprehension & expression
Written comprehension & expression
Oral interaction
Continuous speaking - presentations
Strength of materials
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Resistance of materials (RoM) is a special discipline of continuum mechanics, used to calculate stresses and strains in slender structures made of different materials (machinery, mechanical engineering, building and civil engineering). It involves 1D static modeling of a deformable solid, assimilated to a beam linked to a frame and subjected to external mechanical loads.
RoM allows us to reduce the study of a structure's overall behavior (the relationship between stresses - forces or moments - and displacements) to that of the local behavior of the materials making it up(the relationship between stresses and strains). Mechanical stresses can be seen as " cohesive forces " in matter. The deformations of a physical object can be observed by a variation in its dimensions or overall shape.
Design management
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course introduces students to project management, taking into account the major issues at stake in corporate performance, and puts them in a position to manage key phases of the product design process.
This project-based teaching approach provides a detailed analysis of each phase of the design process, in the form of case studies. Students learn how to generate an idea (creativity, functional analysis) right through to product architecture.
Fluid mechanics
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this first Fluid Mechanics module is to provide a basic understanding of the behavior of industrial fluids (air, water, hydraulic fluids), with a view to dimensioning simple systems involving static or dynamic fluids (flow rates, pressure, velocity, pressure drops, etc.). Emphasis is placed on the study and design of hydraulic installations.
Rheology of materials
Study level
BAC +3
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Rheology is the study of material deformation and flow under applied mechanical stress. In the field of materials, this science particularly concerns the following areas:
- Viscoelasticity
- Plasticity
- Viscoplasticity
- Non-Newtonian fluids
In practice, rheology is used to characterize the macroscopic mechanical properties of materials whose behavior escapes the classical theories of elastic solids and Newtonian fluids (with constant viscosity). Such materials can thus be considered as having an intermediate behavior between solid and fluid, between elastic and viscous.
Dimensioning and metrology
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course provides the basic tools required for the functional dimensioning of mechanical systems. After a presentation of one-dimensional dimensioning and its limitations, "3D" geometric tolerancing (GPS), in accordance with ISO standards, is introduced in order to learn how to read and then write a geometric tolerance according to the functional requirements of a part in a mechanical system. The study of the hyperstaticity of the mechanism and links then enables the functional conditions required to ensure the assembly and correct operation of the system to be established. Dimensional and geometric tolerances are then determined by setting up and resolving dimensional chains. Finally, once the parts have been manufactured, it is necessary to carry out metrological checks and verify their conformity with the functional dimensioning.
Design office
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This UE is a core module in mechanical design technology. It enables students to apply the concepts of standard component sizing seen mainly in the technology units in L2 (introduction to mechanical design) and L3 (structure and sizing, mechanical design 1 and 2) to the case of existing mechanical systems. It also indirectly draws on all the other UEs in rigid and deformable solid mechanics seen mainly in L2 and L3.
Emphasis is placed on the discovery and comparison of real technological solutions, to enrich the technological culture, and on the research, critical choice and pre-dimensioning of technological solutions compatible with the system studied, based on partial (re)design specifications. Finally, the realization of the chosen solution is based on the sketching of an accurate drawing in the sense of industrial drawing, both on paper and using CAD software, with complete dimensioning of one of the mechanism's parts.
Mechanical design 2
Study level
BAC +3
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course completes the 4-module technology syllabus of the Bachelor of Mechanics, CDPI course. It aims to provide tools for understanding and sizing complex mechanical systems (automatic gearboxes, power transmission mechanisms, etc.).
Half of this module is based on lectures/DD to study pulley-belt systems, clutches/brakes and pre-stressed systems, with applications to preloaded bearing assemblies. At the same time, the course includes practical work on the analysis of various mechanical systems (CVT gearboxes, automatic gearboxes, brakes, clutches, preloaded bearing assemblies, etc.). ), as well as design exercises to apply the skills acquired to specific case studies.
English for mechanical engineering
Study level
BAC +3
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD language courses aimed at training the 5 language skills;
Oral comprehension & expression
Written comprehension & expression
Oral interaction
Structure and design (POLYTECH)
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- read a technical drawing of medium difficulty
- identify standard mechanical components on a drawing
- identify the operation of a mechanical system of moderate difficulty from an overall drawing
- draw a part in several views, following the rules of projection
- identify and draw cylinder-plane, cylinder-cylinder, plane-cone, cylinder-cone intersections
- draw cross-sections and sectional views
- extract a part from an overall drawing of moderate difficulty
- use of basic Solidwork functions (part mode, assembly and drawing)
R&D and innovation seminar (framed teaching)
Study level
BAC +3
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Research & Development (R&D) is both the product of teamwork and individual talent, all at the service of innovation (applied research) and knowledge (fundamental research). The themes are diverse and varied, but a certain methodology is required to tackle any R&D problem.
Deformable solid mechanics
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to model continuous solid media, initially restricting ourselves to elastostatics under the assumption of small perturbations. The fundamental principle of statics is applied to deformable solids. The following concepts are introduced: tensors and tensor fields, algebra and tensor analysis, boundary problems, fundamental principle of statics, virtual power principle. Techniques for analytically solving classical problems and energy approaches are also covered. This course is fundamental to the training of students in mechanics, whether they are going into design or R&D.
Industrial project
Study level
BAC +3
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This project is triggered by the request of a customer (project owner) who comes to present his need to the students. It's an application that puts the student in the position of a service provider, responding to the customer's need or request. This project aims to reproduce the methods used in the corporate world.
How to register
Applications can be submitted on the following platforms:
- French & European students: follow the University of Montpellier's e-candidat procedure
- International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure: