Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The three main models of irrigation worldwide - large-scale hydraulics, community irrigation and private irrigation - are presented in their historical context, based on an in-depth documentary analysis and illustrations of concrete cases, with a focus on the Mediterranean region.
These three different irrigation models are presented (ideology, construction, water management, agricultural development, actors, etc.) using a theoretical framework based on oxymorons. These models are then illustrated through various case studies, presented in PowerPoint presentations, videos and articles.
The main references for each type of irrigation system will be presented and discussed. Each irrigation model is discussed with the students, who present their analyses through a guided exercise. Once the three irrigation models are understood, the course focuses on the analysis of rural development models linked to irrigation. The analysis is based on a critical analysis of dualistic development theory, applied to irrigation systems.
The aim of this module is to provide a theoretical and practical basis for understanding and critically analyzing different irrigation models and the underlying rural development logics.
Teaching hours
- Irrigation and development - CMLecture21h
- Irrigation and development - TDTutorial6h
Mandatory prerequisites
Knowledge of the water cycle; water uses, particularly irrigation; and water stakeholders. Sensitivity to rural development issues and water governance.
Knowledge control
Drafting of a report by working groups (collective work) based on a set of questions (100%).
The content of the module is divided into 4 sequences:
(1) La Grande Hydraulique. "De l'eau du ciel à l'eau de l'Etat: domination ou émancipation?
(2) Community irrigation. "Community water: tradition and modernity";
(3) Irrigation Privée. "The "groundwater economy": liberation or anarchy?";
(4) Irrigation and development: concepts and realities.
Alternating classes and seminars
Introducing the EU and setting up working groups
Theme: "Large-scale hydraulics: domination or emancipation?" and Film: "Around the Boumaiz canal".
Group work: readings and report preparation
Community irrigation: tradition or modernity" and Maryse Bergonzat's film on the Ait Bouguemez family
Group work: readings and report preparation
Groundwater economy: anarchy or liberation" and Hassan Kemmoun's film "Developing agriculture when the water table is falling".
Group work: readings and report preparation
Agricultural development models in the South: perspectives and questions" theme
Group work to finalize the written summary of the issues addressed during the module