Mass & heat transport - Geothermy / Transport modeling

  • Level of study

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


This course covers the concepts of mass and heat transfer in aquifers as well as the characteristics of low to high energy geothermal energy.                                                                                                                                                                                                             

The vulnerability of the groundwater resource will be assessed and, if necessary, methods to protect the aquifer from pollution will be evaluated. Different techniques to clean up aquifers will also be discussed, in particular through the answers provided by numerical simulation tools.

The principles of geothermal energy will also be discussed through examples of specific devices based on the three types of geothermal energy (from shallow to very deep, from low temperature to very high temperature).

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The objective of this course is to introduce the fundamental concepts governing mass and heat transfer in the saturated zone. On this basis, analytical and numerical modelling will be performed. For each of the problems studied, particular attention will be paid to the environmental impact associated with the contamination considered, whether thermal (heat transfer) or chemical (contaminant transport). 

Upon completion of this UE, students will:                                      

a. Know how to use the information given by different approaches (hydrogeological, hydrodynamic, hydrochemical and isotopic) in order to characterize the origin and the dynamics of the underground flows            

b. To master the notions of advective and dispersive transport, as well as the parameters to be considered                                                                      

c. Be able to model the transport of heat and different types of pollutants                                                                                              

d. Quantify the impact associated with the implementation of shallow geothermal devices (i.e. geothermal doublet) or waste storage.

This course will conclude with a study, including numerical modeling (FEFLOW) and environmental recommendations, on a real case of contamination.

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Necessary pre-requisites

UE " Hydrodynamics " and/or " Applied Hydrogeology " and/or " Modeling of underground flows ".

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Knowledge control

Continuous control

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