Study level
BAC +4
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is divided into 2 parts, one dealing with surface and atmospheric water, the other with groundwater. This course is a continuation of the Water Cycle course in S1, and lays the essential foundations for the specific hydrodynamics and physical hydrology courses that will take place in S2. It is therefore a transitional course between fundamental knowledge of the water cycle and knowledge specific to the study and characterization of surface and groundwater resources.
Theoretical courses combined with integrated tutorials are complemented by hands-on work on computers and hydrogeological maps.
The aim of this module is to provide the basic hydrology and hydrogeology required for training in water-related professions. This module will be taught through lectures and practical work. Half of the module will be devoted to basic notions of hydrology (hydrological response of watersheds, treatment of rainfall - IDF curves, Montana coefficients -, infiltration, decomposition of flood hydrographs, estimation of peak flows, notion of production function and transfer function), the other half to basic notions of hydrogeology (free and confined aquifers, hydraulic head, hydrodynamic parameters, piezometric maps, pumping tests, different types of geological reservoirs).
Hourly volumes* :
CM : 12
TD : 5
TP: 10
Land: 0
Teaching hours
- Functioning of hydrosystems - Practical workPractical work10h
- Functioning of hydrosystems - TDTutorial5h
- Functioning of hydrosystems - CMLecture12h
Mandatory prerequisites
Prerequisites* :
Completion of the S1 "Water Cycle and Watershed" course or equivalent basic knowledge.
Knowledge control
Two tests of knowledge are offered in this course:
- Continuous assessment, which accounts for 40% of the final grade, focusing on understanding the lessons and exercises included in the course;
- A "Final" assessment, accounting for 60% of the final grade, covering the entire course.