4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The pedagogical objective of this course is to reposition the main soil types on a global scale, explain their formation and identify the main mineral phases or abiotic factors likely to regulate soil biological activity. Based on this analysis, the different soil organisms (micro-organisms, micro-, meso- and macro-fauna) and their relationships will be presented in order to reposition the cycle of organic matter and mineral elements in the soil on different temporal and spatial scales. The notions of recycling, looping of biogeochemical cycles and community assembly rules will also be addressed. This course is organized around lectures and conferences, as well as fieldwork and practical work.
"Knowledge: explain the distribution of the main types of soil on the planet, know their main physical and chemical characteristics, and how these characteristics modulate biogeochemical cycles and biological activities; know the diversity of soil organisms and their functions.
Skills: using published experimental results, analyze the roles of soil organisms in biogeochemical cycles; evaluate in the field the main manifestations and conditions of soil biological functioning".
Teaching hours
- Soil ecology and biogeochemical cycles - TDTutorial15h
Mandatory prerequisites
Basic knowledge of general ecology and biogeochemical cycles
Experience in bibliographic research
Ability to analyze scientific publications in English.
Knowledge control
100% continuous assessment