Study level
BAC +3
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
At the start of this course, we will review the concepts of light rays and the approximation conditions of geometrical optics, as well as the important concepts of wave physics for physical optics.
Then, starting from the scalar approximation of light waves, a special case of electromagnetic waves, we describe light sources, 2-wave and N-wave interference phenomena and diffraction in the Fraunhofer approximation.
We'll go on to study a number of widely-used physical systems, focusing on their resolving power and applications: microscope, telescope, Michelson interferometer, grating spectrometer, Fabry-Pérot interferometer.
Finally, we'll look at the concepts of spatial coherence and temporal coherence of light bursts, and how they are used (stellar interferometry, speckle, etc.).
At the end of this course, students will have acquired the following knowledge:
- know the frameworks for studying the most common optical phenomena
- describe a light source and its physical properties
- calculate and physically describe the interference and diffraction pattern obtained for the most commonly used devices (Young's slits, gratings, rectangular or circular slits, etc.).
- know the similarities and differences between wave phenomena and wave optics phenomena
- determine the resolution powers of the most commonly used optical devices (imaging, spectrometry, etc.)
Teaching hours
- Applied Optics - CMLecture18h
- Applied Optics - TDTutorial18h
Mandatory prerequisites
This course is designed for students who have already completed the second year of university studies. Students taking this course must have a good command of the following mathematical tools: trigonometric functions, complex numbers (real part, imaginary part, modulus and argument), scalar and vector products, functions of several variables, derivative, partial derivative, primitive, limited development to order 1 and differential equations.
These students will need to have taken a UE in geometrical optics and wave physics, in order to be familiar with conduction formulas, and notions linked to wave phenomena, notably constructive and destructive interference conditions, and phase difference.
Recommended prerequisites* :
This course is designed for students who have already completed the second year of university studies. Students taking this course must have a good command of the following mathematical tools: trigonometric functions, complex numbers (real part, imaginary part, modulus and argument), scalar and vector products, functions of several variables, derivative, partial derivative, primitive, limited development to order 1 and differential equations.
These students must also master the concepts and know-how related to oscillators, waves and geometrical optics.
Knowledge control
25% 2CC 75% CT
- reminder of waves (general concepts, standing waves and the notion of interference)
- Wave optics framework: the scalar approximation
- 2-wave interference: conditions and first approach.
- N-wave interference: the grating case (grating formula, N-wave interference pattern, resolving power)
- From interference to diffraction: Huygens principle, Fraunhofer diffraction
- Interference and diffraction
- Real light sources: temporal and spatial coherence
- The Michelson interferometer: a famous 2-wave interferometer.
- The Fabry-Pérot interferometer, another case of N-wave interference in optics
- Optical systems and instruments: diffraction and interference applications
- Introduction to Fourier optics
Further information
CM: 6 p.m.
TD: 18 h