Training structure
Faculty of Science
Language(s) of instruction
Open Health Access course (L.AS).
Organic Chemistry Part 1
4 creditsNewtonian dynamics PC
4 credits36hElectrostatics & Magnetostatics
36hExperimental physics S3
4 credits36hThermodynamics and kinetics
English S3
2 creditsMathematical tools S3
6 credits54hExperimental physics S3 PC
4 credits
Wave physics
4 credits36hExperimental Physics S4 PC
2 creditsPython for science
4 credits36hPersonal and Professional Project
2 creditsInorganic chemistry Part 1
4 creditsElectromagnetism
6 credits54hAtomistics & Reactivity
English S4
2 credits
Organic Chemistry Part 1
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Organic Chemistry Module 1 covers the major classes of organic compounds (organometallics, alcohols, amines, carbonyl derivatives) and their reactivity. Carboxylic acids and derivatives are also covered in chapters dedicated to the reactivity of organometallics, alcohols and carbonyl derivatives.
Particular emphasis is placed on understanding reaction mechanisms based on the basic concepts acquired in the first year.
Newtonian dynamics PC
Study level
BAC +2
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
This course is designed in part to generalize the knowledge acquired in the first semester of the first year (General Physics). In this context, the course will deal with orientation in three-dimensional space, associated kinematics and mechanics in a non-galilean frame of reference. This course is also intended to broaden the scope of applications covered in L1S1. These include fluid statics, the dynamics and energetics of the harmonic oscillator, and the motion of celestial bodies (Kepler's laws).
Electrostatics & Magnetostatics
Study level
BAC +2
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
This course is the first step in teaching electromagnetism at university. It covers electrostatics, stationary currents and magnetostatics.
See the syllabus in the "+ info" tab.
Experimental physics S3
Study level
BAC +2
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The two main aims of physics are to better understand the world we live in, and to contribute to the development of techniques and technologies. Its vocation is to develop theories and confront them with experience.
In this module, you'll carry out experiments to illustrate the concepts of mechanics, electricity and thermodynamics that were introduced in the1st year undergraduate modules.
Thermodynamics and kinetics
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Use the basic principles of equilibrium thermodynamics to predict whether a reaction is possible, in which direction it is spontaneous and determine the proportions of reactants at equilibrium from the equilibrium constant. Application to homogeneous and heterogeneous equilibria, and to the special case of precipitation reactions.(acid-base and redox reactions, time permitting). Hours: 19.5 h.
In the second part, we'll look at kinetics and reaction rates. Only simple reaction orders will be studied this year. Hours: 7.5 h .
Mathematical tools S3
Study level
BAC +2
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
This course is a continuation of the mathematics taught in L1. The mathematical tools necessary for the physicist in analysis will be studied, in particular functions of several variables, differential operators, generalized and multiple integrals and sequences and series, including integer and Fourier series.
Experimental physics S3 PC
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Wave physics
Study level
BAC +2
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The aim is to review various notions of wave physics (D'alembert's equation, travelling waves, standing waves, reflection, transmission) through the study of different physical systems: mechanical (spring, string, acoustic...), electrical (telegraph line, co-axial...) or electromagnetic, and to arrive at a general formalism for the study of linear wave phenomena.
Then, after studying standing waves, we'll move on to studying interference (wave tank and other devices) and the related physical concepts: phase shift, step difference, constructive interference condition, destructive interference...
Experimental Physics S4 PC
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Python for science
Study level
BAC +1
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
This module is an introduction to the use of Python for science students. It covers the basics of algorithms and the Python language, but the approach is primarily geared towards use in the sciences. Examples are given of problems related to other first-year subjects.
Personal and Professional Project
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Inorganic chemistry Part 1
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Study level
BAC +2
6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
The first part of this course is designed to consolidate the concepts of magnetostatics and establish the relations between the electromagnetic field at the interface of a plane of charges or currents. We also introduce the expression of Laplace forces (force and moment) acting on volumetric or filiform circuits. The second part is devoted to the properties of fields and potentials in the variable regime. After introducing Faraday's law describing induction phenomena, we establish Maxwell's time-dependent equations. An energetic treatment allows us to define the electric and magnetic energies, as well as the Poynting vector. We apply these concepts to various examples, such as electromechanical conversion or induction heating via eddy currents. A final chapter is devoted to the equations of field and potential propagation, and their application in vacuum-like systems, as well as in perfect conductors and insulators. The notion of skin depth is also introduced.
Atomistics & Reactivity
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The first part of this course presents the basics of quantum chemistry for chemists and physical chemists. He began by taking up the principles of quantum mechanics and his master equation, the Schrödinger equation. The solution of the Schrödinger equation in simple cases and the notions of wave functions and quantization are presented and illustrated in simple cases. The hydrogen atom is then studied.
The teaching also focuses on approximation methods that make it possible to determine the properties of complex systems where the Schrödinger equation cannot be solved directly. The effect of spin on the electronic properties of atoms and molecules will also be discussed.
The second part of this course focuses on the quantum description of molecular properties and reactivity. The qualitative construction of molecular orbitals using symmetry properties will be introduced and the link between molecular orbital diagram and chemical bonding is made. The link between molecular geometry and electronic structure will be discussed. This course will then focus on the Huckel method which allows to obtain diagrams of molecular orbitals of π systems. The classical notions of conjugation, delocalization, donor or acceptor character and aromaticity will be studied in this approach. The theory of boundary orbitals is used to rationalize molecular reactivity (cycloaddition, electrocyclization) and molecular geometries.
How to register
Applications can be submitted on the following platforms:
- French & European students: follow the University of Montpellier's e-candidat procedure
- International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure: