• Study level

    BAC +2

  • ECTS

    4 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume



The aim is to review various notions of wave physics (D'alembert's equation, travelling waves, standing waves, reflection, transmission) through the study of different physical systems: mechanical (spring, string, acoustic...), electrical (telegraph line, co-axial...) or electromagnetic, and to arrive at a general formalism for the study of linear wave phenomena.

Then, after studying standing waves, we'll move on to studying interference (wave tank and other devices) and the related physical concepts: phase shift, step difference, constructive interference condition, destructive interference...

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  • Describe the evolution of a mechanical system subjected to a disturbance by applying local laws (fundamental principle, Kirchoff's laws, Maxwell's equations).
  • Solve a propagation equation using specific families of solutions (progressive, plane, harmonic waves, stationary solutions)
  • Quantitative description of wave superposition phenomena (interference, beat phenomena, standing waves)
  • Recognize the analogies of propagation phenomena between the different themes of physics
  • Know how to establish propagation equations and their solutions in the continuous media approximation
  • Know how to establish the dispersion relation in dispersive and non-dispersive media, and be able to solve propagation equations in media with absorption.
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Teaching hours

  • Wave physics - CMLecture18h
  • Wave physics - TDTutorial18h

Mandatory prerequisites

This course is designed for students who have already completed the first year of university studies. Students taking this course must have a good command of the following mathematical tools: trigonometric functions, complex numbers (real part, imaginary part, modulus and argument), scalar and vector products, functions of several variables, derivative, partial derivative, primitive, limited development to order 1 and differential equations. They must also master concepts related to electrokinetics (Kirchoff's laws) and Newtonian point mechanics.

Recommended prerequisites* : Have studied oscillators, be familiar with wave concepts from high school.

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Knowledge control

2 CC 25% CT 75%

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- reminder of oscillators through the mechanical-electrical analogy

- the notion of wave, propagation medium, inertia, cohesion of the medium and celerity of a wave, energy aspect

- the telegrapher's equation and D'Alembert's equation

- generalized wave formalism: equation of motion, law of behavior, D'alembert equation, celerity and notion of impedance, energy aspect

- Melde rope: revisiting formalism with the case of the rope

- reflection and transmission of a wave

- acoustic waves: acoustic wave equation, impedances, Doppler effect, shock waves - Mach cone.

- standing waves: 1 boundary condition, 2 boundary conditions in a 1-dimensional medium.

- waves and interference (wave tank and other devices): phase shift, step difference, constructive interference condition, destructive interference...

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