Training structure
Faculty of Science
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L1 - Maths minor info
The first year of the mathematics degree program (L1 Mathematics and Applications) is a time for acquiring fundamental knowledge and orientation. A first group of teaching units provides a foundation of knowledge and skills that are essential for all students of mathematics, whatever their future role or sector of activity. These teaching units are based on the following fundamental pillars: Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Arithmetic and Enumeration.
A second group of teaching units complements the training program and the transition from high school to university. It consists of a choice between Calculus and Remediation and an English course. If you choose the computer science minor, this also includes lessons in algorithmics and programming.
Your choice: 1 of 2
L1 Profile Info Minor choice 1
30 creditsAlgebra I linear systems
5 creditsAlgorithms 1
5 creditsReasoning and Set Theory
2 creditsRemediation in mathematics
3 creditsFunctional programming
5 creditsEnglish S1
1 creditsGeometry in the plane, space and complex plane
4 creditsAnalysis I functions of one variable and sequences
5 credits
L1 Profile Info Minor choice 2
30 creditsAlgebra I linear systems
5 creditsCalculus CUPGE & maths
3 creditsAlgorithms 1
5 creditsReasoning and Set Theory
2 creditsFunctional programming
5 creditsEnglish S1
1 creditsGeometry in the plane, space and complex plane
4 creditsAnalysis I functions of one variable and sequences
5 credits
Algorithms 2
5 creditsC programming
5 creditsArithmetic and counting
6 creditsAlgebra II, vector spaces and linear applications
6 creditsEnglish S2
2 creditsAnalysis II Suites, series, limited developments
6 credits
L1 - Maths minor Physics
The first year of the mathematics degree program (L1 Mathematics and Applications) is a time for acquiring fundamental knowledge and orientation. A first group of teaching units provides a foundation of knowledge and skills that are essential for all students of mathematics, whatever their future role or sector of activity. These teaching units are based on the following fundamental pillars: Algebra, Analysis, Geometry, Arithmetic and Enumeration.
A second group of teaching units complements the training program and the transition from high school to university. It consists of a choice between Calculus and Remediation and an English course. In the Physics minor, this also includes physics courses.
Your choice: 1 of 2
L1 Phy minor choice 1
30 creditsGeneral physics
6 credits54hAlgebra I linear systems
5 creditsElectronics 1
4 creditsReasoning and Set Theory
2 creditsRemediation in mathematics
3 creditsEnglish S1
1 creditsGeometry in the plane, space and complex plane
4 creditsAnalysis I functions of one variable and sequences
5 credits
List Minor Phy choice 2
30 creditsGeneral physics
6 credits54hAlgebra I linear systems
5 creditsElectronics 1
4 creditsCalculus CUPGE & maths
3 creditsReasoning and Set Theory
2 creditsEnglish S1
1 creditsGeometry in the plane, space and complex plane
4 creditsAnalysis I functions of one variable and sequences
5 credits
Arithmetic and counting
6 creditsThermodynamics 1
5 credits54hAlgebra II, vector spaces and linear applications
6 creditsSolid kinematics and statics
5 credits45hEnglish S2
2 creditsAnalysis II Suites, series, limited developments
6 credits