Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The content of the module is divided into six sequences:
1) Introduction to EU: scientific and operational challenges of biogeochemical and water quality issues in agricultural watersheds;
2) Physico-chemical and hydrological processes determining the availability and mobility of plant protection products in a watershed;
3) TD: modelling tutorials on the transfer of plant protection products;
4) Biogeochemical cycle of phosphorus in agro-systems ;
5) Nitrogen cycle and balance in agricultural watersheds ;
6) TD: Assessment of nitrogen balance in a watershed, diagnosis of surface water contamination
The aim of this module is to present the biogeochemical functioning of watersheds, focusing on the analysis and modeling of processes determining the chemical quality of surface water, soil water and groundwater in relation to agricultural activities. To this end, the focus is on three chemical compounds with high environmental and health implications: plant protection products, and compounds in the nitrogen and phosphorus cycles.
Teaching hours
- Biogeochemistry of pollutant transfer in cultivated environments - TDTutorial11h
- Biogeochemistry of pollutant transfer in cultivated environments - CMLecture14h
Mandatory prerequisites
- UE "Soil Hydrodynamics" from S1 or equivalent
- UE "Hydrological transfers in small cultivated watersheds" from S1 or equivalent
Knowledge control
Final written exam (2 hours) (100%)