• Study level

    BAC +4

  • ECTS

    5 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


This field placement comes at the beginning of our Master's program. Its aim is to characterize the succession of formation and dismantling processes of the Variscan orogen, through a thematic study of the Montagne Noire massif. Particular attention will be paid to (1) the study of the deformation of the sedimentary cover and the geodynamic evolution of the basins; (2) the analysis of ductile deformation and associated metamorphism in the deepest crustal levels; and (3) the study of late-orogenic basins. This teaching unit is made up of three successive stages: the preparation phase based on the study of cartographic documents in the classroom, field work and the drafting of a report, and finally a critical study of the bibliography.

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This field placement has multiple objectives. It will involve:
(a) getting to know the new intake, which arrives from different countries and different cultural and scientific backgrounds, and fostering integration within the intake;
(b) assessing the general level of knowledge and identifying characteristics, personalities, affinities, shortcomings, etc., so as to better manage the intake at a later stage;
(c) providing a general refresher on basic field geology techniques, in particular: reading and interpreting topographic and geological maps, observing and describing outcrops, measuring structural geological objects (planes, lineations, ...), reading landscapes, drawing outcrops and panoramas, section surveying, log surveying in sedimentary series, etc. ...
(d) to provide a basic knowledge of regional geology, which will serve as an anchor for much of the fieldwork to be carried out over the two years of the Master's program;
(e) to introduce the notions of changes of scale in geology (from mineral to tectonic plate) and show the importance of multidisciplinary data integration.

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Mandatory prerequisites

Tectonics and structural geology at Licence level
Geological mapping at Licence level
Field geology techniques at Licence level
Sedimentology and sedimentary petrology at Licence level
Magmatic and metamorphic petrology at Licence level

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Knowledge control

100% CCI: 1 TD structural diagram and log (10%); a field report (75%); a critical bibliographical study (15%)

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Integration and upgrading
Reconstruction of the structural scheme and regional chronostratigraphic calendar
Study of cover deformation and geodynamic evolution of basins
Ductile tectono-metamorphic analysis
Study of late-orogenic basins
Literature review and critical synthesis

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