Study level
BAC +4
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The "Introduction to risks and vulnerability" course aims to take a systemic approach to the problems of risks and natural disasters - from the nature of hazards to risk and crisis management - using the concepts and methods of geography. Teaching is organized around :
- Lectures aimed at laying the conceptual and theoretical foundations for geographical approaches (focusing on issues and vulnerabilities), as well as outlining the public policy framework for risk and crisis management in France.
- Case studies demonstrating the application of concepts and methods developed in risk geography. Methods applied to field observations and surveys (tools, techniques and associated objectives).
Discovering the geographical approach to risk
Acquire conceptual and methodological knowledge of risk diagnosis and risk management methods.
Acquisition of methods for representing geographic data in cartographic form
Acquisition of field methods
Data acquisition and creation (opendata and field)
Mandatory prerequisites
Prerequisites* :
- Basic knowledge of geodynamic and hydroclimatic hazards
- Basic GIS skills (interface handling)
Recommended prerequisites* :
- Written expression
Knowledge control
The module is 100% assessed by continuous assessment. Courses that include this module in their offer will endeavor to set up a knowledge/skills portfolio for each student, which will be carefully documented in this module. In particular, students will be asked to assess their progress in terms of skills in the following reports:
- Group evaluation (report or poster including written description and cartography)
- Individual assessment (argumented response with or without supporting documents)
The "Diagnosis and management of natural hazards" course covers the concepts and methods of risk geography, from hazard characterization to risk and crisis management.
Lectures will present the conceptual and theoretical foundations of geographical approaches (focused issues and vulnerabilities). They will also describe the measures, tools and players involved in risk and crisis management in France.
The practical application of methodologies and concepts will be demonstrated through case studies in France (metropolitan and overseas) and abroad.
These lessons are supplemented by readings of scientific books and articles (non-exhaustive list attached):
Bailly A. (dir). (1996). Risques naturels, risques de société. Economica, Paris, 103 p.
-Dauphiné A. (2003). Risks and disasters. Observer, spatialiser, comprendre, gérer. Collection U, Armand Colin, Paris, 288 p.
-Garry G, Gaume E., Meschinet de Richemond N. (2004). Mapping and management tools for natural hazards in France. In Veyret Y., Garry G., Meschinet de Richemond N. (dir). Risques naturels et aménagement en Europe. Armand Colin, Paris, pp. 46-67
-Leone F., Meschinet de Richemond N., Vinet F., 2010, Aléas naturels et gestion des risques, PUF, 288 p.
-Veyret Y. (dir.), Beucher S., Reghezza M. (2004). Les risques. Amphi géographies, Bréal, Paris, 208 p.
-Wackermann G. (ed.) (2005). La géographie des risques dans le monde. Coll. Carrefours-Les Dossiers, Ellipses, Paris, 2nd ed. updated, 501 p.
Sessions last 3 hours and are assessed by a final individual assessment (argumentative response with or without aids) and a group assessment (report or poster).