Training structure
Faculty of Science
6 creditsChoice of 2 out of 5
Numerical modeling methods
2 creditsMass & heat transport - Geothermy / Transport modeling
3 creditsProject management-2
3 creditsIrrigation and development
3 creditsScientific writing
3 credits
Evaporation, from the plot to the agricultural watershed
3 creditsHydraulic transfer processes and simulation
3 creditsReUSE, irrigation and water quality
2 creditsGeoprospective, Water and Landscape
3 creditsHydrological modeling of cultivated basins
3 creditsScientific Project 1
2 creditsBiogeochemistry of pollutant transfer in cultivated environments
3 creditsOperation and management of irrigated systems
3 creditsUE M2 field placement: elementary management processes
3 credits
5 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
5 creditsCHOICE 4-2-2
2 creditsChoice: 1 of 3
Events project / Call for tender
2 creditsWater and Development
2 creditsWater and the South
2 credits
CHOICE 4-2-1
3 creditsYour choice: 1 of 2
Water and climate change
3 creditsPreparation M2R - EA
3 credits
International Field Schools - North & South
5 credits
Scientific Project 2
3 creditsM2 Apprenticeship - EA
22 credits
Numerical modeling methods
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The content of the module is divided into 3 sequences:
1) a sequence to define concepts, get to grips with a tool (R) and review the vocabulary of statistical estimation and its application to the calibration of hydrological parameters;
2) a sequence on uncertainty and sensitivity analysis methods, and
3) a sequence on data assimilation applied to hydraulic modeling. The course will also be introduced by a presentation from a design office executive on the usefulness of this type of approach in engineering.
Mass & heat transport - Geothermy / Transport modeling
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course covers the concepts of mass and heat transfer in aquifers, as well as the characteristics of low- to high-energy geothermal energy.
The vulnerability of the underground resource will be assessed and, where appropriate, methods for protecting the aquifer from pollution will be evaluated. Various techniques for cleaning up aquifers will also be discussed, with particular emphasis on the answers offered by numerical simulation tools.
The principles of geothermal energy will also be discussed, with examples of specific systems based on the three types of geothermal energy (from shallow to very deep, from low temperature to very high temperature).
Project management-2
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course covers project planning and task time estimation, the SWOT matrix/sabotage exercise, risk management, meeting organization and facilitation, and oral project presentation. Other elements of project management can be addressed on a case-by-case basis, such as financial management, the role of the project manager, relations with partners, and the use of tools such as the to-do list, Kanban, shared calendar, etc.
Following on from the Project Management UE of Master 1, the Project Management UE of Master 2 is designed to verify the assimilation of skills acquired in the previous year, and to go further by focusing on a longer project (a few weeks to a few months), whether individual or in a group, a study project or a personal project.
Irrigation and development
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The three main models of irrigation worldwide - large-scale hydraulics, community irrigation and private irrigation - are presented in their historical context, based on an in-depth documentary analysis and illustrations of concrete cases, with a focus on the Mediterranean region.
These three different irrigation models are presented (ideology, construction, water management, agricultural development, actors, etc.) using a theoretical framework based on oxymorons. These models are then illustrated through various case studies, presented in PowerPoint presentations, videos and articles.
The main references for each type of irrigation system will be presented and discussed. Each irrigation model is discussed with the students, who present their analyses through a guided exercise. Once the three irrigation models are understood, the course focuses on the analysis of rural development models linked to irrigation. The analysis is based on a critical analysis of dualistic development theory, applied to irrigation systems.
Scientific writing
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Every future Master's graduate, whether with a "Professional" or "Research" profile, needs to master the tools and codes of effective scientific written communication. Improving your scientific writing skills is essential if you are to add value to your work and communicate it to your peers, colleagues, clients...
Evaporation, from the plot to the agricultural watershed
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course focuses on surface-atmosphere water and energy fluxes observations and modeling, integrated in catchments or irrigated perimeters, to estimate and predict crops water needs and water stress in drought contexts. Attention is given to the effect of spatial heterogeneities on fluxes, from the plot scale to the catchment scale. Effects of topography on surface fluxes are also covered. The course contains two main steps:
- Water and energy fluxes within the SPAC at the plot scale: review of basic concepts of micro-meteorology, modeling surface-atmosphere fluxes for homogeneous crops ("big-leaf" approach), coupling with soil water transfers in the rooting zone, water stress indicators at the plot scale
- Water and energy fluxes within the SPAC at the catchment scale: spatial heterogeneity, effect of advection on the fluxes, topographical effects on radiative and convective fluxes, water stress indicators at the catchment scale.
Hydraulic transfer processes and simulation
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course builds on the process analysis and data acquired during the "Field Camp" course. The aim is to develop a simulation approach in response to a specific question. It comprises several phases:
- Experimental study in the laboratory and in the field: measurement of a water line, hydraulic propagation dynamics
- Production of a simple numerical model (resolution of a first-order differential equation)
- Implementation of a model (topology-geometry description, steady-state and transient hydraulic scenarios,
calibration, simulation of scenarios
- Design of a hydraulic management scenario, implementation on a miniature network in the form of a role-playing game: delay calculation, calibration of rating curves, identification of attenuation and delay dynamics, management of control structures, hydraulic performance evaluation.
ReUSE, irrigation and water quality
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Geoprospective, Water and Landscape
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Geoprospecting is a discipline linked to geography whose aim is to anticipate the future in order to imagine and design more resilient landscapes. The tools derived from geoprospecting, combined with cartographic tools and tools for simulating the behavior of local stakeholders, can be used to test the impact of more or less virtuous behavior with regard to water resources. A large part of the course will be devoted to the use of modeling platforms, enabling students to manipulate these tools.
Hydrological modeling of cultivated basins
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to provide students with a practical, high-level perspective on the hydrological modeling of watersheds dominated by agricultural activities and subject to climate change. The UE is structured around 4 points of view:
1. Watershed hydrology and its place in the history of science,
2. Specific features of agricultural landscapes and implications for modelling ,
3. Changing scales,
4. Practice and criticism of hydrological modelling.
The UE will provide advanced knowledge of production functions, transfer functions, global and distributed modeling. Students will be able to work independently with various hydrological models (Green and Ampt, reservoir, Curve Number, unit hydrograph, reservoir cascade, etc.), and to step back from the parameterization, calibration and validation of hydrological models.
Scientific Project 1
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This UE is conducted in groups or individually. It takes place in 2 stages:
- Preparation: identifying a subject based on one's professional project
- Formalizing a question based on the bibliographical research and presenting it in the form of a bibliographical summary highlighting the question to be addressed
- Constructing the experimental plan by identifying the data and resources needed to carry out the project.
Biogeochemistry of pollutant transfer in cultivated environments
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The content of the module is divided into six sequences:
1) Introduction to EU: scientific and operational challenges of biogeochemical and water quality issues in agricultural watersheds;
2) Physico-chemical and hydrological processes determining the availability and mobility of plant protection products in a watershed;
3) TD: modelling tutorials on the transfer of plant protection products;
4) Biogeochemical cycle of phosphorus in agro-systems ;
5) Nitrogen cycle and balance in agricultural watersheds ;
6) TD: Assessment of nitrogen balance in a watershed, diagnosis of surface water contamination
Operation and management of irrigated systems
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The content of the module is divided into 5 sequences:
1) Irrigation equipment and infrastructure ;
2) Irrigation control ;
3) Socio-economic analysis, consultation methods;
4) Professional conferences ;
5) Case study: conversion of an irrigated system
UE M2 field placement: elementary management processes
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Events project / Call for tender
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this cross-disciplinary course is to give students from several courses the opportunity to organize an event-based project on a topical water-related theme, in line with their commitments, their career plans, societal issues and the challenges of global transitions and changes....
The project is led by the students, from definition to implementation at the event, with occasional support from the teaching teams at key stages.
Water and Development
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this joint course with AgroParisTech's specialized post-master's degree in "Water Management" is to provide students with a development profile with an insight into the issues and organization of development projects on the theme of water (drinking water, sanitation, agricultural water).
This course alternates between testimonials, feedback from experts and development professionals on water issues, and testimonials from students (Mastère Spécialisé Gestion de l'Eau) or students with international experience in water or agriculture.
This course is open as an option to students of the Master's degree in Water Sciences, subject to a numerus clausus of students.
Water and the South
Study level
BAC +5
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Water resources and their management are often approached through the knowledge and principles established in the developed countries of the temperate zone. Yet the countries of the South, starting with the Mediterranean and Africa, offer us an extreme diversity of social and environmental situations that force us to significantly modify our points of view and question the validity of certain approaches that are too far removed from the reality on the ground.
Researchers working mainly in developing countries draw on their practical experience to reflect on the specific nature of hydrological and geochemical processes in very dry or very wet tropical regions, the consequences of anthropization and the challenges of sustainable water resource management.
A significant amount of time is devoted to critical analysis of scientific articles dealing with water resources and their management in the South.
Water and climate change
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this course is to present the current and future impacts on all sectors associated with the water sector.
What are the trends in climate extremes such as droughts and floods, and in the regions affected by these extremes? What impact will this have on underground and surface water resources, agricultural land and irrigation methods?
How are sea levels and coastlines changing? How does this impact current and future population movements, and what solutions can be proposed for coastal management?
Through a series of lectures given by specialists from different fields, and covering all the Water Master's courses, this course will present the latest advances in this field.
Through TD and TP sessions, students will be asked to work in groups on a particular theme (using an example) associating climate change with a water-related field, in order to present a summary of the subject. This work will be presented in the form of a mini-seminar, and will be assessed as part of this course.
Preparation M2R - EA
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
International Field Schools - North & South
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Scientific Project 2
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This UE is carried out in groups or individually. It follows on from "Scientific project 1". It is divided into 3 parts:
- Implementation: students carry out experiments and analyze the results (rooms and experimental equipment provided).
- Presentation: students prepare a presentation (oral + 5-page article in English) of their experiment, taking a critical look at it
and presenting it to the sponsors, teaching staff and other students.
- Critical analysis: students evaluate the other articles (peer-reviewing process) and finalize their article on the basis of the comments received.
M2 Apprenticeship - EA
Study level
BAC +5
22 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
How to register
Applications can be submitted on the following platforms:
- French & European students must submit their application via the e-candidat application: https: //