Study level
BAC +4
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The module is structured around 4 sequences. Sequence 1 presents the basic concepts and frameworks for analyzing a farm and its functioning, with its bio-physical, technical and economic determinants. Sequence 2 takes a closer look at the farmer's decision-making processes, which underpin the creation and management of cropping systems on the farm. The last two sequences focus on the territorial scale. Sequence 3 deals with the representation of the diversity of cropping systems and farms, and its application to the analysis of the joint dynamics of agricultural uses and water resources in an area. Sequence 4 tackles the issue of coordinating the technical choices of farms within a territory, with an application to watershed management.
The module's objectives are to provide students with a framework for understanding and representing 1- the decision-making processes underlying agricultural practices (cropping systems) at farm level, and 2- the diversity of farming systems and farms within a given territory. These analysis grids are geared towards assessing the pressures exerted on water resources (quantity and quality), evaluating room for manoeuvre, and helping individual or collective decision-makers to change practices.
Teaching hours
- Territories and farms - Practical workPractical work3h
- Territories and farms - TDTutorial9h
- Territories and farms - CMLecture16h
Mandatory prerequisites
Prerequisites* :
EU Water and plant production
Recommended prerequisites* :
knowledge of basic agronomic concepts: cropping system, technical itinerary, production function
Knowledge control
Assessment: continuous assessment
Continuous assessment :
Classroom examination, combining agronomic and economic approaches
Syllabus :
Management, Farming, Production system, Irrigation, Territory, Cultivation practices