M2 - Modeling and Numerical Analysis (MANU)

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


MANU is a high-level program focused on solving applied problems (in industry, physics, biology and healthcare) through mathematical analysis and digital simulation. Its aim is to train PhDs or, more generally, scientists with a concrete grasp of problems and a thorough command of numerical approximation tools, as well as the latest analysis techniques. The program includes a core of advanced courses in numerical and theoretical analysis of PDEs, as well as courses in optimization and learning, computer science and modeling. An important asset is the familiarization with advanced implementation tools and a close link with recent research topics from academia and industry.


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  • Train PhDs or, more generally, scientists capable of interacting in a multi-disciplinary context
  • Provide a solid theoretical foundation for academic or industrial thesis work
  • Meet the demand from R&D centers in large companies/EPICs for doctoral engineers capable of participating in a simulator's calculation kernel.
  • Open up new fields of application for scientific computing (environment, health, etc.).


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Know-how and skills

The skills acquired during the two years of training are cross-disciplinary, providing a thorough understanding of mathematical modeling, numerical analysis and scientific computing. In the second year, high-level courses based on research topics are offered, as well as in-depth training in scientific computing.

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The second year is divided into 2 semesters. The program is as follows:


  • Semester 3


  • Numerical Analysis 4 (33H, 10 ECTS)
  • PDE analysis 3 (27H, 8 ECTS)
  • Posterior estimates (21H, 6 ECTS)
  • Inverse problems (21H, 6 ECTS)




  • Semester 4


  • Programming 2 (30H, 10 ECTS)
  • Digital modeling (24H, 8 ECTS)
  • Internship in a company or academic laboratory (> 4 months, 12 ECTS)



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  • EDP 3 analysis

    8 credits
  • Retrospective estimates

    6 credits
  • Inverse problems

    6 credits
  • Numerical Analysis 4

    10 credits
  • Internship

    12 credits
  • Programming 2

    10 credits
  • Numerical Modeling

    8 credits


How to register

Applications can be submitted on the following platforms: 

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Target audience

MANU is aimed primarily at holders of a mathematics degree or equivalent. The course is not suitable for students coming directly from a Licence professionnelle. Direct access to the second year is also possible on application. It is open to M1 students from French or foreign universities with initial mathematics training, to students from French or foreign engineering schools, or to students from the Ecole Normale Supérieure.

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Mandatory prerequisites

Bachelor of Mathematics

Master 1 in Applied Mathematics

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Recommended prerequisites

Mechanical and programming courses.

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And then

Further studies

At the end of this course, students will have the option of continuing with an academic or industrial thesis.

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Professional integration

At the end of this course, students will have the option of continuing with an academic or industrial thesis to enter the world of fundamental research, an EPIC (Etablissement Public à Caractère à Industriel et Commercial) or the research divisions of major companies (as engineers or doctoral engineers).

The Master's degree also provides direct access to the job market in modelling, scientific computing and the development of numerical methods, for example in the development divisions of small and medium-sized companies.


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