2 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume



This course starts with the integration seminar.

During this course, students will participate in the design and implementation of two major annual events in the field of ecology: the Festival de la biodiversité (Festi'Versité) and the Salon national de la biodiversité (SNB). Since 2008, these events have provided an opportunity to bring together, get to know and promote all the players in the professional ecology sector in France.

Working with partner organizations (OFB, F-CEN, UPGE, F-CPIE, UM, CNRS, local authorities, etc.) and the organizing professional structure, the students will assist in the management of the two events.) and the organizing professional structure, the students are assistants to the project management of the two events, occupying various positions according to their motivations, interests and abilities (experience, skills, proposed training courses) in conjunction with volunteers from other training courses (BTS): recruitment and reception of the public and speakers, media events, communication, safety (fire risk, first aid), logistics, fund-raising, eco-responsibility, etc. The positions are offered through job descriptions for which the students apply during the master's integration seminar.

Supported by an Adhoc structure (in the process of being set up) and under the direction of a steering committee bringing together their main stakeholders, these 2 events integrate the assistance of students from the Environmental Management master's courses at the University of Montpellier's Faculty of Science, as part of their teaching and through their student associations.

- Festi'Versité, the biodiversity festival. Festi'Versité raises public awareness of ecological issues through events, shows, games, conferences, screenings and photo exhibitions. It takes place over a weekend in late October/early November at Montpellier Zoo.

- The national biodiversity show. Combining a forum for careers and training, a scientific and technical congress and professional meetings, it features conferences and round tables, scientific and technical presentations, recruitment and professional exchanges. The show takes place over 2 days in January at the Parc des Expositions in Montpellier.

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Mandatory prerequisites

Experience in project management and/or completion of the EU "Project Management" course.

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Knowledge control



No. of hours 

Nb Sessions 

Organization (FDS or local) 






Continuous control 

100 % 














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Further information

This course is designed to put into practice the skills acquired in the Project Management course.

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Target skills

*For everyone:

- understand and respond to the expectations of a client/customer based on specifications;

- respecting a job description ;

- teamwork and networking through a project involving the entire class of 2nd-year students (70 to 80 students) in the GE master's program;

- mobilize a network of professionals ;

- evaluate one's own work and that of one's team members ;

- promote a professional cause by getting involved in a collective approach in a professional manner

* and according to the positions held :

- communicate and promote an event to a variety of audiences;

- preventing and managing risks

- putting an eco-responsible approach into practice

- seek resources (financial, material and human) and establish partnerships (contractualization with partners and service providers);

- welcome and manage audiences and stakeholders ;

- evaluate and present an activity report and a moral and financial report to sponsors;

- keep abreast of the latest information, innovate and think ahead;

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