Training structure
Faculty of Science
Advanced Programming & Artificial Intelligence
5 creditsOptimization & Embedded Systems
5 creditsApplied Robotics
10 creditsPerception for Robotics
5 creditsHandling Robotics
5 credits
10 creditsInternship
15 creditsProfessional integration
3 creditsEnglish
2 credits
Advanced Programming & Artificial Intelligence
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Advanced programming
- object-oriented programming (C++)
- classes
- attributes/methods
- heritage
- pointers
- templates
- C++11 standards
Artificial Intelligence
- learning: state of the art, issues, applications
- PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
- SVM (Support Vector Machines)
- generations 1 2 and 3 of neural networks (spike technologies, etc.)
- neural network learning
- convolutional neural networks
- reinforcement learning
- genetic algorithms
Practical work
- Setting up a logic simulator for microelectronics
- Implementation (in C++) then integration (in ROS) of robotics algorithms
- Introduction to classification tools based on artificial intelligence
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Advanced Programming
- object oriented programming (C++)
- classes
- attributes/methods
- heritage
- pointers
- templates
- C++11 standards
Artificial Intelligence
- Machine Learning: State of art, problems, applications
- PCA (Principal Component Analysis)
- SVM (Support Vector Machines)
- Neural networks generations 1, 2 and 3 (spike technologies, etc)
- Convolutional neural networks
- Reinforcement learning
- Genetic Algorithms
Laboratory Practicals
- Implementation of a logical simulator for microelectronics
- Implementation (in C++) and integration (in ROS) of robotic algorithms
- Introduction to classification tools based on artificial intelligence
Optimization & Embedded Systems
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
- Linear optimization
- Nonlinear optimization (gradient method, optimal-step gradient, Lagrange multipliers)
- Optimization applied to robotics (optimal control based on quadratic programming under linear constraints)
Embedded systems
- Architectures de Harvard & de Von Neumann
- Knowledge and implementation of the main features of a microcontroller
- Choice and sizing of an embedded programming solution in relation to a given need
- C programming of a Raspberry Pi board
- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Linear optimization
- Non-linear optimization (gradient descent, Lagrange multipliers)
- Applying optimisation in robotics (optimal control based on quadratic programming under linear constraints)
Embedded Systems
- Harvard & Von Neumann Architectures
- Knowledge and implementation of the main functions of a microcontroler
- Choice and implementation of an embedded programming solution adapted to given design specifications
- C Programming on a Raspberry Pi
Applied Robotics
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit covers a range of robotics themes, ranging from the micro to macro scale, including micro manipulators, cable, surgical, submarine, flying, humanoid robots and teleoperation, virtual and augmented reality as well as operational safety. The content of each theme is detailed below. Mini projects on the above-mentioned themes will be carried out to deepen the basics taught using both simulation software and real robots.
Micro-robotics: Microrobotics concerns the design, modeling and control of miniaturized robotic systems to perform manipulation tasks on objects of size between 1μm and 1mm. The fields of application include all areas that require high precision (assembly of mechanical, electronic or optical microsystems, micro-surgery, etc.). At these dimensional scales, robots cannot be made by simple homothetic miniaturization of conventional robots. New robot concepts and actuation principles are to be used. This course is an introduction to microrobotics and introduces the essential concepts of scale, microworld physics, deformable and flexible robotics and micro-actuators.
Surgical Robotics: The objective of this course is to give students an introduction to the field of surgical robotics. The aim is to be able to understand the needs expressed by clinicians and to show through a few examples the approach that has made it possible to design and build robots used for surgical procedures. Some design elements as well as some control architectures will be mentioned, insisting on the need to guarantee the safety of the patient and the medical team.
Underwater and flying robots: Mobile robotics dedicated to aerial and underwater environments is based on specificities that will be introduced in this course. Current solutions and problems that are still open will be presented. Issues related to modeling and nonlinear controls applied to under/iso/over-actuated systems will be addressed.
Humanoid robotics: This will present the advanced geometric modeling and kinematic methods for tree robotic structures such as humanoid robots. Basic notions will also be presented on the center of mass, the center of pressure, the ZMP, static stability, dynamic stability. A study on bipedal gait control will be carried out including gait models, trajectory generation and ZMP/COM control as well as dynamic stabilization of the robot. The second part of the course will focus on the kinematic control of highly redundant structures (underdetermined system of type Ax=b) by the use of methods based on optimization techniques (LP, QP) under constraints as well as on hierarchical control based on techniques of projection in zero space or task hierarchy based on hierarchies of QP or LP.
Parallel Cable Robots: This course introduces the principle of Parallel Cable Robots (CPRs) followed by a state-of-the-art including application examples, CPR demonstrators and commercial PCRs. Geometric, kinematic and dynamic models of the RPCs are then developed. Based on these templates, the different types of RPCs, several definitions of their workspace, the main concepts useful for their design as well as simple methods of ordering will finally be presented.
Virtual and augmented reality: Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) techniques consist of the interactive simulation of a 3D universe, in which the user is immersed. This simulation is generally essentially visual in nature, however it can also include other perceptual information, through several sensory modalities: spatialized sound, haptic or effort feedback, somatosensory approach, etc. This course is an introduction to the different techniques used in VR/AR systems: we will deal with the main 3D synthesis libraries (OpenGL, Vulkan), the peripherals existing on the market, the basics of physics engines as well as the techniques used to locate the user and estimate his point of view in real time.
Reliability and operational safety: This course focuses on the reliability of a robotic system, particularly in the operational phase. When a robot operates in a complex and partially unfamiliar environment, unforeseen events can occur that the system will have to react to if it wants to ensure its own safety and that of its environment. This course will introduce the basic notions of dependability, and present examples of reliability mechanisms applied to mobile robotics.
Teleoperation: This part covers a brief introduction to the history of teleoperation development, modeling of teleoperation components, and their schematics. The criteria for evaluating performance in teleoperation are defined. Performance analysis and control design methods are also introduced. The course provides the applications of teleoperation in the field of surgical robotics as well as the open questions and remaining challenges to be solved.
This teaching unit covers a set of specialities in robotics, ranging from micro to macro scales, including micro manipulation, surgical, sub-marine, flying, humanoid and cable-driven robots passing through teleoperation, virtual and augmented reality as well as operational safety. The content of each sub-unit is detailed hereafter. Projects on the mentioned topics will be carried out to deepen the thought basics using both simulation softwares and real robots.
Micro-robotics: Micro-robotics concerns the design, modelling and control of miniaturized robotic systems able to perform handling tasks on objects between 1μm and 1mm in size. Application fields include all areas requiring high precision (assembly of mechanical, electronic or optical microsystems, microsurgery, etc.). At these scales, robots cannot be fabricated by simple homothetic miniaturization of conventional robots. New robot concepts and new actuating principles must be used. This course is an introduction to micro-robotics and presents the essential concepts of scale effect, physics of the micro-world, deformable and flexible robotics and micro-actuators.
Surgical robotics: The objective of this sub-unit is to give students an introduction to the field of surgical robotics. It is about being able to understand the needs expressed by clinicians and to show, through few examples, the process that allowed the development of robots used for surgical procedures. Some design elements as well as some control architectures will be discussed, emphasizing the need to ensure the safety of the patient and the medical team.
Sub-marine and flying robots: The specificities of underwater and aerial robotics will be presented. Current solutions and open issues will be exposed. The basic elements required by the control design for this type of vehicles, from modelling to nonlinear control techniques, will be addressed, according to the under/iso/over actuation property of the systems.
Humanoid robotics: This sub-unit concerns advanced kinematic and differential kinematics modelling methods for humanoid robots. Basics on the centre of mass (COM), the centre of pressure, the zero-moment point (ZMP), static stability and dynamic stability are addressed. A study on biped gait control will be carried out including gait models, trajectory generation and ZMP / COM control as well as dynamic stabilization of the robot. The second part of the sub-unit is focused on the differential kinematic control of very redundant structures (underdetermined system of type Ax = b) by the use of methods based on optimization techniques (LP, QP) under constraints as well as on the hierarchical control based on the projection in the null space or tasks hierarchy based on QP or LP hierarchies.
Cable-driven parallel robots: This sub-unit presents the basic principle of Cable-Driven Parallel Robots (CDPRs) followed by a state of the art including application examples, CDPR demonstrators and commercial CPPRs. Geometric, kinematic and dynamic models of CDPRs are then developed. Based on these models, the different types of CDPRs, several definitions of their workspace, the main concepts useful for their design as well as simple control strategies will finally be presented.
Virtual and Augmented Reality: AR and VR consist in providing the user with an interactive simulation of a 3D world, where one can simulate physics, but also enhance it with additional data visualization. This simulation is usually mostly a graphical one, but it can also include other perceptual information across multiple sensory modalities: spatialized sound, haptics, somatosensory, etc. This course is an introduction to the different techniques involved when creating an AR/VR system. We will address the current 3D technologies (OpenGL, Vulkan), the devices available, the basics of physical engines, and the localisation and vision techniques used to track the user movements in real time and compute his point of view.
Operational safety of robots: This part concerns the reliability of robotic systems, mainly in the operational phase. When a robot moves in a complex and partially unknown environment, unforeseen events can occur. The system must react to these events to ensure its own safety and that of its environment. This course will introduce the basic notions of dependability, and will present examples of safety mechanisms applied to mobile robotics.
Teleoperation: This part covers a brief introduction of the development history, the typical structures of teleoperation schemes and the modelling of teleoperation components. Based on the system modelling, the teleoperation performance evaluation criteria are defined and accordingly the performance analysis and control design methods are introduced. The course also provides the applications of teleoperation in the field of robotic surgery as well as the open issues and challenges existing in practical implementation.
Perception for Robotics
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The purpose of this teaching unit is the study and implementation of perception systems for mobile robots, manipulative robots, humanoids, etc. The teaching is based on the proprioceptive and exteroceptive perception systems with a strong focus on vision systems. In the lectures, the general principles of perception and the functioning of the most widely used sensors (cameras, projectors, distance and position sensors, etc.) are presented. A series of practical work accompanies this teaching in the form of a long project punctuated by sub-goals addressing different parts of the course.
This course presents the perception systems commonly used on all types of robots (e.g., mobile robots, manipulators, humanoids). The course presents proprioceptive and exteroceptive sensors with a focus on vision. We start by introducing the general principles of perception, and then explain the modeling and working principle of the main robot sensors: monocular cameras, stereo cameras, distance position and movement sensors, etc. The lab practicals consist of a robotic project with sub-goals addressing the various steps of the course.
Handling Robotics
5 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This teaching unit covers the techniques and tools required for kinematic and dynamic modeling and control for handling robotics. Teaching is structured around the following four axes:
1) Robot manipulator modeling: homogeneous transformations, direct and inverse geometric models, kinematic modeling, singularity studies
2) Introduction to the dynamics of robot manipulators: Euler-Lagrange formalism, Newton-Euler formalism, algorithms for calculating dynamics
3) Joint and operational control in free space
4) Motion control in constrained space: interaction models and compliance, position/force control, impedance and admittance control, motion generation, application examples.
Several examples of all these techniques will be covered in tutorials and practical work using MATLAB/V-REP tools on various handling robots (6-axis and 7-axis robots) and also on a real-life humanoid robot "Poppy".
This teaching unit covers the techniques and tools necessary for kinematic and dynamic modelling and the control of robot manipulators. The provided lectures are structured around the following four axes:
1) Modelling of robot manipulators: homogeneous transformations, direct and inverse kinematic models, differential kinematic modelling, study of singularities
2) Introduction to the dynamics of robot manipulators: Euler-Lagrange formalism, Newton-Euler formalism, algorithms for the computation of dynamics
3) Joint space and operational space controls in free space
4) Control of movements in constrained space: interaction and compliance models, hybrid position/force control, impedance and admittance control, generation of movement, application examples.
Several examples of all of these techniques will be treated in supervised works and practices using MATLAB / V-REP tools on different manipulation robots (6 and 7 axis robots) and also on a real humanoid robot "Poppy".
10 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Project in partnership with a research laboratory and/or a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
15 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Internship of 5 to 6 months to be carried out in a research laboratory or within a company, highlighting the scientific skills, autonomy and adaptability of the student.
Professional integration
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Preparation for professional integration.
Teaching provided by a senior HR consultant, former HR manager of large groups, who uses her rich experience in recruitment to serve her teaching.
Pedagogical approach promoting the sharing of experience and the response to students' situations and questions.
General contributions on recruitment from A to Z, how to be more efficient in your search, vision on the approaches of final recruiters, recruitment agencies, service companies.
Simulations of recruitment interviews in small groups with personalized debriefing orchestrated by the teacher.
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
TD courses in English for Specialization and English for Communication and which aims at professional autonomy in the English language.
Strengthen and consolidate the achievements of Master 1.
How to register
Applications can be submitted on the following platforms:
- French & European students must submit their application via the e-candidat application: https: //
- International students from outside the EU: follow the "Études en France" procedure: https: //