4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
List of courses
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Fossils and evolution
4 credits30hSpatial data
4 creditsSoil ecology and biogeochemical cycles
4 creditsShape evolution: phylogenetic constraints, dev & fon
4 credits27h
Fossils and evolution
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
In this course, we'll look at the main theoretical concepts of evolutionary processes through the fossil record. The aim is to reconcile microevolutionary mechanisms with macroevolution. Concepts covered include: species and intraspecific variability, speciation and evolutionary rhythms, adaptive radiation (ecological speciation) in the fossil record, targeted extinctions (migrant-autochthonous competition) or mass extinctions (major biological crises), evolutionary modalities (anagenesis and saltationism) observed in the fossil record, and a comprehensive review of microevolutionary mechanisms.
Spatial data
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this resolutely trans-disciplinary course is to provide the skills needed to effectively manage and exploit data of various origins and types, particularly those with a spatial component. The course is divided into three complementary sections. The first deals with the issues inherent in data compilation and the solutions provided by database management systems (DBMS): from database design to queries. The second covers geographic information systems (GIS): from cartographic representation to geoprocessing. Finally, the third axis presents the diversity of spatial analysis tools for quantitative exploitation of spatial data, from metrics to statistical tests.
Soil ecology and biogeochemical cycles
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The pedagogical objective of this course is to reposition the main soil types on a global scale, explain their formation and identify the main mineral phases or abiotic factors likely to regulate soil biological activity. Based on this analysis, the different soil organisms (micro-organisms, micro-, meso- and macro-fauna) and their relationships will be presented in order to reposition the cycle of organic matter and mineral elements in the soil on different temporal and spatial scales. The notions of recycling, looping of biogeochemical cycles and community assembly rules will also be addressed. This course is organized around lectures and conferences, as well as fieldwork and practical work.
Shape evolution: phylogenetic constraints, dev & fon
4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Hourly volume
"The aim is to analyze the phylogenetic, developmental and functional constraints likely to have governed the morphological changes perceptible in the fossil record. The phylogenetic approach will be approached using reconstruction methods applicable to fossils (parsimony; cladistic analysis). Developmental and functional approaches (mainly odontology) will be illustrated by different methodologies developed on the Montpellier campus (notably X-ray microtomography). The critical review of reference articles in the field in question will give rise to an oral presentation followed by questions."