4 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


The structure of this course is similar to that developed in S4. The objective is to provide students with knowledge on the biology, ecology and evolution of three taxonomic groups in question. Beyond the identification of species (which will be largely addressed), this course will deal with the evolution and systematics of the taxonomic group in question, fundamental ecology (evolutionary and functional ecology), applied ecology (conservation), physiology, legislation, as well as study and identification methods.

After a general introduction course, 2 axes of work will be proposed in parallel. One will focus on cryptogams (algae, lichens, mosses and fungi), the other on fauna (Chiroptera & Arthropoda).


The objective of this component is to familiarize students with the extremely diverse organisms that are bryophytes, phaeophytes and fungi. The principle is 1) to approach these little known diversities through a naturalistic approach, 2) to place these observations in an evolutionary perspective (phylogenetic aspects), and 3) to link the observations to the role of these organisms in terrestrial and marine ecosystems.

Finally, the module will address aspects of daily life, economics or citizenship related to species (toxicology, food, medicine).


The objective is for the student to acquire/improve a body of knowledge on the biology of arthropods and chiropterans, which are taxonomic groups with a great deal of interest, both from the point of view of studies in fundamental ecology (ethology, evolutionary ecology, functional ecology), in applied ecology (conservation biology) and in environmental education / teaching. Beyond the identification of species, this line of work will deal with the evolution and systematics of these taxa, their physiology, their ecological and behavioral particularities, their roles in ecosystems. The teaching will integrate innovative pedagogical approaches, combining the use of traditional (visual recognition) and modern (acoustic identification by software) tools. Among the Arthropods, the groups particularly approached will be the Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Odonata and Orthoptera which represent very diversified orders that will allow us to approach the notion of species which is central in biology. The identification of species will constitute a basis to study their biology, their ecology and to approach the notions of evolution and phylogeny.

Each group (Fauna - Cryptogams) will have at its disposal 12 hours of field trips (half of which will be common to both groups) to be carried out according to modalities to be defined (4 half-day trips, or 2 long one-day trips). The practical work could be set up on university sites (university campus - Labex CEMEB experimental field at the CEFE - Botanical Garden) suitable for the study of the various organisms.

Cross-cutting concept

The course is organized around a notion common to both groups of practical work which, through a reversed class, will allow to start from the observed species in order to identify central concepts in conservation biology. In S5, the notion of species (and associated entities such as subspecies, hybrids, etc.) will be widely approached, from a theoretical and practical point of view. This notion will allow to address 1. the foundations and limits of the different perspectives of the species (morphological, genetic, ecological), 2. the methodological problems related to the identification of taxa in the field and in the laboratory and 3. the problems that this generates from the point of view of species conservation. For this purpose, the students present at the end of the sequence a taxon, among those proposed in the EU, whose identification is complex.

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Necessary pre-requisites

- have taken HAV426B (Naturalist Specialization 1) in L2 (required)

- strongly recommended: experience in a naturalist association beyond the GNUM.

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Knowledge control



Nb of hours

Nb of sessions

Organization (SDS or resp)






Continuous control
















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Additional information

Person(s) in charge : Franck Richard & Sébastien Puechmaille

Contact details of the person(s) responsible (tel/email) : franck.richard @ umontpellier.fr @; sebastien.puechmaille @ umontpellier.fr @

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Targeted competencies


- Know the tools for describing biodiversity from the gene to the biosphere

- Know and know how to implement the different approaches and tools used in evolutionary biology and ecology: observation, sampling, experimentation and statistical analysis

- Know the applications of organism biology, evolutionary biology and ecology (health, agronomy, conservation, restoration)

- To know the mechanisms and processes at the origin of biodiversity

 Know-how :

- Know how to search for and extract information in a critical manner, prioritize sources of information and identify their reliability, and produce a synthesis

- Know how to make an oral presentation and a scientific written report, using illustrations and a presentation adapted to the public concerned, with the help of adapted computer tools

- Know how to carry out a project within a group

- Describe an organism and understand how the morphological characteristics identified allow the identification of species [out of reference].

Soft skills:

- Respecting others and the equipment and organizations you work with

- Be able to evaluate and challenge yourself to learn

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