Integrated Cellular Metabolism

  • Level of study

    BAC +3

  • ECTS

    5 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


This course allows students to deepen their knowledge of metabolism. This UE allows to apprehend a global vision of the human metabolism. It will insist on the links between the different metabolic pathways. It will also show how the different tissues communicate to maintain a global energy homeostasis. Deregulations of this metabolism at the origin of certain pathologies will be presented.


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  • In-depth knowledge of integrated metabolism and its different levels of control in the cell.
  • Integration of metabolic regulation systems at the organism level (example of glycemia).
  • Metabolism of nitrogen compounds (biological cycle of nitrogen, anabolism of amino acids, anabolism of nucleotides)
  • Pathways of lipid synthesis (Glycerophospholipids, sphingolipids, cholesterol)
  • Understand the close links between lipid and carbohydrate metabolism.
  • To know the different roles at the cellular and physiological levels of molecules derived from lipid metabolism including for example steroidal compounds and lipid second messengers
  • Understanding the links between metabolism, signaling and vesicular/membrane trafficking (autophagy, insulin signaling, mTOR pathways)
  • Metabolic pathologies (lysosomal and mitochondrial diseases, cancer, diabetes...)
  • Understand the types of metabolisms encountered in various types of cells (cancer cells, neurons, liver cells,..) in relation to their environment, their functions, and their energy needs (and their possible anomalies).
  • Introduction to the metabolism of free radicals and the dangers they represent for the cells. Highlighting of the protection mechanisms against free radicals
  • Food intake control and metabolism

How to do it

  • Know how to analyze experimental data in metabolism, formulate hypotheses and propose ways to test them.
  • To know the techniques of study of the metabolism, their field of application, their cost, their advantages and their limits
  • Know how to synthesize and extract important information from a simple scientific article dealing with metabolism.

How to be

  • Demonstrate autonomy and willingness to synthesize metabolic pathways and know how to integrate them into an organ

Demonstrate intellectual curiosity to be able to predict metabolic pathology by the metabolic defects described.

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Necessary pre-requisites

Biochemistry S3, HLVA403V (Biochemistry S4)

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