• Level of study

    BAC +2

  • ECTS

    4 credits

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


This course provides the fundamental basis of microbiology. It will detail the structures of microorganisms, prokaryotes and eukaryotes, and viruses. It will give an overview of the diversity of these microorganisms and describe their mode of multiplication.

For bacteria, trophic types and factors influencing growth will be developed, as well as the study of growth in a non-renewed environment. Genetics and horizontal transfers between bacteria will be discussed.
Some eukaryotic microorganisms will be studied: habitat, life style, ecological role or parasitism as well as their mode of development.
In virology, the main multiplication cycles of viruses will be detailed, the modes of transmission and the notion of viral pathogenesis will be discussed. The principle of anti-viral vaccination and anti-viral treatments will be presented and illustrated with concrete examples.
The principle of anti-viral vaccination and anti-viral treatments will be presented and illustrated with concrete examples.
The practical work will allow the initiation to the techniques of sterile manipulation of microorganisms, to the counting of bacteria and to conjugation.

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- Know the detailed structure of the prokaryotic versus eukaryotic cell, the cell-free structure of viruses

- Knowing how and under what conditions bacteria multiply

- To know the genetic transfers in bacteria (without the mechanisms)

- Know how to do a bacterial enumeration and perform a genetic transfer

- Know the multiplication cycles and modes of transmission of viruses.

- Understand the principle of viral vaccination and know the main types of vaccines used against viral diseases.

- Know how to work sterile, use a microscope, know the safety rules in microbiology.

- Follow an experimental protocol

- Analyze and synthesize data in order to exploit them.

- Write a report of practical work.

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Necessary pre-requisites

UE of L1 " From molecules to cells ".

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