• Study level

    BAC +2

  • Component

    Faculty of Science


The aim of this course is to broaden previously acquired knowledge in various areas of microbiology, in particular microbial ecology.

She will focus on pathogenic relationships, but will also present examples of symbiotic associations. Applications of microorganisms in biotechnology will be discussed. It will describe the mode of action of antibiotics and associated resistance phenomena, as well as their impact.

This course will introduce the notion of viral ecology, presenting the place and role of viruses in ecosystems. The case of bacteriophages will be dealt with more specifically, and the mechanisms of bacterial resistance to phagic infection will be detailed. The different types of viral infection in animals will be presented (acute and persistent infections) and illustrated by studying the pathogenesis of selected viral infections.

Our knowledge of microorganisms will be extended by the study of Archaea and a model eukaryotic organism, yeast.

Practical work will focus on carrying out an antibiogram and its interpretation, and on bacteriophage titration.

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- Knowledge of microbial ecology (diversity and roles of different microorganisms in the environment, symbioses).

- A vision of the usefulness of microorganisms for human health

- Knowledge of microorganism control methods: antibiotics and vaccines.

- Know how to perform an antibiogram and culture bacteriophages.

- Analyze and synthesize data for further processing.

- Write a report on practical work.

- Know and implement the main hygiene and safety preventive measures in microbiology

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Teaching hours

  • Microbiology 2 - Practical workPractical work3h
  • Microbiology 2 - TDTutorial4,5h
  • Microbiology 2 - CMLecture18h

Necessary prerequisites

UE "Microbiology1

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