Chemistry for biologists 2

  • Study level

    BAC +2

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


This second unit of general chemistry is designed to consolidate and deepen the study of reactions in aqueous solution, particularly those involving the formation of metal complexes. The principles of thermodynamics will be presented and applied to the study of chemical equilibria of biological interest. Rather than a presentation using mathematical formalism, which would require a much greater time commitment, the student will be asked to understand the physical meaning of these principles and the main thermodynamic functions, and to apply them to chemical systems, often of biological interest. In particular, resting membrane potentials and the use of pH potential diagrams in biology will be presented.

In advance of certain courses and tutorials, students will work on written and audio course documents, to ensure that classroom teaching and tutorials enable them to play a full part in the training, understand the concepts presented and the skills to be acquired.

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To provide biology students with a grounding in aqueous solution chemistry and thermodynamics, enabling them to apply these concepts to a chemical phenomenon of biological interest. The knowledge and skills to be acquired are as follows

Applications of the law of mass action to the study of chemical equilibria in aqueous solutions. The concepts presented in L1 will be extended and completed by the study of complexation reactions.

Metal complexes, application in biology

Principles of thermodynamics and thermodynamic functions for understanding chemical equilibria that can be coupled, resting membrane potential and applications of pH potential diagrams in biology.

The aim of this course is to provide biology students with the basic knowledge and skills to apply them to the understanding of biological processes.

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Teaching hours

  • Chemistry for Biologists 2 - CMLecture18h
  • Chemistry for biologists 2 - TDTutorial9h

Mandatory prerequisites

All the concepts presented in the General Chemistry course for biologists in L1

For students who have not yet acquired these notions in L1, course documents will be provided, along with videos and application exercises. All these concepts will be assumed to have been acquired and will be assessed.

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