Biotechnologies and the challenge of sustainable agronomy

  • Study level

    BAC +2

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science


This course is aimed at L2 Life Sciences students wishing to learn more about how biotechnologies can help meet current and future challenges in the sustainable production of agricultural and agri-food resources.


Man uses the properties of photosynthetic organisms and microorganisms to obtain and process a wide range of resources and services: food products for humans and livestock, therapeutic molecules, construction materials, etc. This use is dependent on natural conditions, and its impact on the environment is likely to be reciprocal, for example via the withdrawal or deterioration of limited and/or non-renewable resources (water, soil, etc.). For resource production to be sustainable, it is therefore important that its organization (the concept of agronomy) incorporates knowledge of these impacts, and relies on an understanding of the properties of plants and micro-organisms to meet these challenges. The development and use of new biotechnologies in the fields of applied genetics and plant physiology, the use of microorganisms, and the favorable or unfavorable interactions between these microorganisms and plants all play a major role in these sustainable agronomy strategies.

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The pedagogical objectives of the EU are :

- develop a general understanding of the major challenges facing agricultural and agri-food production today

- acquire basic disciplinary notions in the fields of plant biotechnology and microorganisms, and their applications in the areas of efficiency and sustainability of "plant", "microorganism" and "plant-microorganism" production systems, and product quality and traceability.

- consolidate skills in analyzing and synthesizing documents on plant and microbial production and biotechnology issues

- develop the reasoning skills needed to propose biotechnological solutions to the issues identified.

Skills targeted by the EU :

- understand the major challenges facing agricultural and agri-food production today, with particular reference to "plant", "microorganism" and "plant-microorganism" production systems

- know the plant and microbial biotechnology tools and approaches involved in meeting these challenges

- use this knowledge and your analytical skills to identify the issues at stake using documents

- mobilize this knowledge and your analytical skills to use documents to put forward reasoned proposals for biotechnology strategies that could help meet these challenges

- carry out this work in an organized manner, individually or in groups

- convey the summary results of this work in a clear, well-argued written document

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Mandatory prerequisites

Basic plant physiology and microbiology (high school and first year of bachelor's degree in life sciences)

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