4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The course will look at various biological processes from a physical point of view.
Particular attention will be paid to the comparison of different energy scales in biology, with the introduction of key concepts of thermodynamics in relation to molecular biology. Various passive and active processes will be covered, with examples relevant to biology and health. The proposed practical involves the observation of Brownian motion, and will be linked to the HAV102P course (for its notions of optics).
Competences visées par l'UE :
- ability to approach a biological problem from a quantitative point of view;
- Apply the 1st principle of thermodynamics and the conservation of energy to problems of biological interest;
- Identify systems in equilibrium, or explain when the equilibrium approximation is valid in biological processes;
- Explain the role of thermal fluctuations in equilibrium states;
- Understand an energy landscape, and explain how active processes (e.g. controlled by enzymes) can modify it.
Teaching hours
- Physics of biological processes - Practical workPractical work3h
- Physics of biological processes - CMLecture12h
- Physics of biological processes - TDTutorial15h
Mandatory prerequisites
UE HAV102P: Physical approaches to life :
- Physical quantities, dimensions and units
- Forces, force balance, viscous force, fluid mobilization pressure
- microscope, diffraction and its impact on microscope resolution.
Recommended prerequisites* :
- Bachelor's degree in mathematics.
- Logarithm and exponential functions.
- Study a real function of a real variable.
Knowledge control
Test |
Coefficient |
No. of hours |
Nb Sessions |
Organization (FDS or local) |
Written |
Continuous control |
85 % |
3 (2x1.5h) |
2 |
Local |
TP |
15 % |
Oral |
CC: two Continuous Assessment tests, preferably face-to-face or, failing that, distance learning (Moodle Quizzes), one halfway through the course, the other at the end of the semester.
List of Chapters :
- Introduction: a quantitative approach to biology. Ex: Scale laws in biology.
- Energy and 1st principle of thermodynamics.
- Molecular interactions, energy minimization, concept of equilibrium.
- Passive processes. From random walk to Fick's law.
- Introduction to entropy and Gibbs free energy.
- Examples of active processes; energy landscape of biochemical reactions (enzymes)
- Phase changes ;
Further information
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 12h
TD : 15h
Practical work: 3h
Terrain :