Study level
BAC +1
2 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The primary aim of this teaching unit is to introduce students to scientific ecology in all its diversity. Particular attention is paid to the definition of scientific ecology, in relation to the meaning of the term "ecology" (political ecology or ecologism) in the media and for the general public. The place of the environment in the scientific study of ecology is also clarified. With the help of tutorials and practical exercises, three major themes in ecology are covered: paleoecology, functional ecology& evolutionary ecology. It is important to note that these themes are supported by a particularly active scientific community in Montpellier.
i) Basic conceptual knowledge of scientific ecology
ii) Document analysis skills
iii) Implementation of a hypothetico-deductive approach
iv) Sampling, data collection and synthesis within a scientific framework.
Teaching hours
- From organisms to ecosystems - Practical workPractical work4,5h
- From organisms to ecosystems - CMLecture4,5h
- From organisms to ecosystems - TDTutorial9h
Mandatory prerequisites
As scientific ecology is a quantitative discipline, it will be important for students to be able to demonstrate a minimum interest in mathematics and statistics applied to life and earth sciences, ecology.
Knowledge control
Dajoz, R. 2006. Précis d'écologie - 8th edition. Paris, DUNOD.
Faurie, C., C. Ferra, et al. 2003. Ecologie: approche scientifique et pratique . Paris, 407. Ricklefs, R. E. and G. L. Miller 2005. Ecologie . Brussels, De Boek University.