4 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Organic chemistry is a branch of chemistry that deals with the study of the structure, properties, composition, reactions and synthesis of natural or synthetic organic compounds which, by definition, contain carbon. This course provides an introduction to organic chemistry and lays the foundations for the basic concepts required by students pursuing scientific courses, particularly in chemistry, biology, biochemistry and health studies.
The aim of this course is to provide a basic knowledge base for all students studying chemistry, as well as non-chemistry subjects such as biology and biochemistry.
At the end of this course, students will be able to :
- Know how to name a compound using IUPAC systematic nomenclature and represent it.
- Analyze the structure of a molecule: acquire basic knowledge of stereochemistry.
- Apply acquired knowledge to reactivity in organic chemistry:
- analyze electronic effects and predict their consequences on the properties and reactivity of a molecule.
- know how to write and understand the mechanisms of nucleophilic substitution, elimination and electrophilic addition.
- understand and describe the synthesis and reactivity of haloalkanes, alkenes and alkynes.
Teaching hours
- Organic chemistry - CMLecture18h
- Organic chemistry - TDTutorial21h
Mandatory prerequisites
General Chemistry HAV105C or HAC101C
Knowledge control
final exam, 2 sessions
- IUPAC nomenclature for the main classes of organic compounds
- Covalent bonding and hybridization
- Molecule representations (plane, Cram, Newman and Fischer projections)
- Flat isomerism
- Stereoisomerism: 1) conformational, 2) configurational and its stereodescriptors
- Chirality
- Electronic effects (inductive, mesomeric) and their impact on the stability and acid-base properties of molecules
- Introduction to writing and describing a reaction scheme and mechanism
- Nucleophilic substitution, elimination and electrophilic addition reactions
- Properties, synthesis and reactivity of haloalkanes, alkenes and alkynes
Further information
Hourly volumes* :
CM: 18
TD : 21
TP :
Terrain :
Administrative contact(s) :
Licence Secretariat
Recommended books :
Reference 1: Chemistry. Stéphane Perrio, Béatrice Roy and Jean-Yves Winum, Dunod 2017.
Reference 2: Chimie L1 - Je me trompe donc j'apprends! Stéphane Perrio, Béatrice Roy and Jean-Yves Winum, Dunod 2020.
Reference 3: Mémo visuel de chimie organique -2e édition, Jacques Maddaluno, Véronique Bellosta, Isabelle Chataigner, François Couty, Anne Harrison-Marchand et al., Dunod 2018.
Reference 4: Le cours de chimie organique -3e édition, Jacques Maddaluno, Véronique Bellosta, Isabelle Chataigner, François Couty, Anne Harrison-Marchand et al., Dunod 2020.