6 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
List of courses
Choice of: 2 of 18
3 creditsHydrological modelling and global change
3 creditsGroundwater modelling - Modélisation des écoulements souterr
3 creditsIrrigation and development
3 creditsCoastal engineering
3 creditsChemical substances and ecological risks
3 creditsEnvironment through the Quaternary: Mapping and Analysis
3 creditsNumerical modelling for coastal and groundwater dynamics
3 creditsChemical substances and health risks
3 creditsGeodynamics and plate tectonics
3 creditsBiogeochemistry of pollutant transfer in cultivated environments
3 creditsUE ER field placement: hydrometry, hydrology, hydrochemistry
Geophysical imaging 2
Geothermal energy and storage
3 creditsWater and Public Health
Eau et production végétale - Water and crop production
3 creditsPrinciples and methods of physics and mechanics
Positioning and remote sensing
3 credits
Study level
BAC +4
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The aim of this module is to provide a basic understanding of near-surface and borehole geophysical investigation methods used in the field of hydrogeophysics. These approaches aim to characterize reservoir structure (geometry, lithologies) as well as to detect, locate and quantify fluid transfers. We will also look at the processing and analysis of these data using various dedicated software packages.
Hydrological modelling and global change
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Groundwater modelling - Modélisation des écoulements souterr
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course is divided into a theoretical part, which provides an understanding of groundwater transfer, and a more practical part, which combines field work, numerical modeling and environmental studies. Quantitative hydrogeology is approached through analytical and numerical solutions to account for transfers in the underground environment.
This UE covers in particular:
1) mathematical tools and fundamental equations underlying analytical and numerical modelling;
2) the principles of numerical modeling ;
3) a typical methodology for creating a 3D numerical model for flow simulation and ;
4) analysis of scenarios integrating climatic and anthropogenic forcings for optimal management of water resources.
Irrigation and development
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The three main models of irrigation worldwide - large-scale hydraulics, community irrigation and private irrigation - are presented in their historical context, based on an in-depth documentary analysis and illustrations of concrete cases, with a focus on the Mediterranean region.
These three different irrigation models are presented (ideology, construction, water management, agricultural development, actors, etc.) using a theoretical framework based on oxymorons. These models are then illustrated through various case studies, presented in PowerPoint presentations, videos and articles.
The main references for each type of irrigation system will be presented and discussed. Each irrigation model is discussed with the students, who present their analyses through a guided exercise. Once the three irrigation models are understood, the course focuses on the analysis of rural development models linked to irrigation. The analysis is based on a critical analysis of dualistic development theory, applied to irrigation systems.
Coastal engineering
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Chemical substances and ecological risks
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Environment through the Quaternary: Mapping and Analysis
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Numerical modelling for coastal and groundwater dynamics
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Chemical substances and health risks
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Pharmacy
Geodynamics and plate tectonics
Study level
BAC +4
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Biogeochemistry of pollutant transfer in cultivated environments
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The content of the module is divided into six sequences:
1) Introduction to EU: scientific and operational challenges of biogeochemical and water quality issues in agricultural watersheds;
2) Physico-chemical and hydrological processes determining the availability and mobility of plant protection products in a watershed;
3) TD: modelling tutorials on the transfer of plant protection products;
4) Biogeochemical cycle of phosphorus in agro-systems ;
5) Nitrogen cycle and balance in agricultural watersheds ;
6) TD: Assessment of nitrogen balance in a watershed, diagnosis of surface water contamination
UE ER field placement: hydrometry, hydrology, hydrochemistry
Study level
BAC +5
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The status of a watercourse as defined by the WFD comprises two aspects: chemical and ecological. To define the ecological status, several parameters need to be taken into account, including those related to the volume of water (via flow measurement) in the watercourse. In this course, students will be required to carry out field or laboratory measurements to determine some of the key parameters used to determine the state of a watercourse or, more generally, those used in hydrological studies (flooding, resource assessment, etc.).
4 aspects will be covered:
- Hydrometry, using various gauging techniques (point-by-point method with electromagnetic current meter, ADCP, dilution method, float gauging, radar).
- Soil hydrodynamics, with the use of several infiltrometry methods to determine saturation conductivity, and the sampling of soil cylinders to determine soil porosity, dry density and water content after drying.
- Hydrochemistry, with :
- a field section (sampling and analysis with a multiparameter and a field spectrophotometer) for physico-chemical parameters (temperature, electrical conductivity, pH, dissolved oxygen, TAC, PO4 and NO3, etc.)
- a laboratory part (analysis and quantification of 4-tert-octlyphenol in a surface water sample, using gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS)) to determine the trace presence of emerging contaminants from the alkylphenol ethoxylate (APEO) family, compounds found in products such as detergents, emulsifiers and solubilizers.
- Hydrobiology, which takes into account the presence or absence of certain species: fish, invertebrates, macrophytes (aquatic plants) and diatoms (unicellular algae), with a view to determining specific indices (IPR, IBGN, IBMR, IBD) relating to the biological quality of the watercourse.
Geothermal energy and storage
Study level
BAC +5
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
This course introduces the fundamental concepts needed to understand the genesis and functioning of geothermal reservoirs.
Initially, the different types of geothermal energy, from very low-energy to high-energy geothermal energy for electricity production, are discussed in detail, with real-life case studies. A global overview is provided to assess the energy potential of geothermal resources.
The UE will then focus on several points specific to geothermal energy, such as mass and heat transfer mechanisms in reservoirs. These will be discussed and illustrated on real cases using numerical modeling. The geological signature of geothermal reservoirs, such as mineral alteration, will also be studied in detail through case studies.
The problem of storage will be addressed by considering applications such as underground storage of CO2, heat or energy. The influence of the mechanical properties of reservoir rocks, as well as interactions between stored fluids and surrounding rocks, will be highlighted, with the aim of considering the feasibility and durability of these storage devices.
Eau et production végétale - Water and crop production
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science
The course content is organized into 6 sequences:
- Climate: meteorological variables, major Earth climates
- Surface energy balance: radiative, conductive and convective fluxes, surface energy balance,
reference evapotranspiration (Penman and Penman-Monteith approaches)
- Plant: growth and development cycle, phenology, geometric structure, photosynthesis, root system,
water in the soil-plant-atmosphere continuum
- Crop models: Monteith's
approach, water constraints
- Impact of climate change in agriculture
Objectives* :
The aim of the module is to provide a theoretical basis for the influence of climate on
plant production. Target skills include knowledge of the fundamentals
of ecophysiology and the relationships between climate, water and plant production.
Principles and methods of physics and mechanics
Training structure
Faculty of Science
Positioning and remote sensing
3 credits
Training structure
Faculty of Science