
Artistic and cultural mediation (MAC)

  • ECTS

    120 credits

  • Duration

    2 years

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Education


This professionalizing course trains artistic and cultural mediators, specialists in childhood, adolescence and young adulthood, with a dual knowledge of education and culture. They will be able to design and carry out innovative didactic and pedagogical actions and projects in partnership with public or private cultural institutions, associations or local authorities, as well as to conduct training courses.
This two-year course is aimed at students who choose to go into the
professions of education, animation and mediation.

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The pedagogical program is designed to alternate periods of teaching, projects, workshops, independent work and professional contacts. Thus the teaching team is
multidisciplinary and multi-category. It is composed of teacher-researchers, teachers
-trainers and external professionals from the professional world, associations, local authorities, museums, etc. This master's degree is strongly anchored in partnerships with artistic and cultural structures and institutions in the region, both public and private.
This course offers the possibility of pursuing doctoral studies in order to do research in its fields.

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Know-how and skills

The contents of the training will be deployed within the framework of an active pedagogy aiming to develop the creativity and the autonomy of the student, thus tutored projects in partnership & workshops will make it possible to train the students with the implementation of project within the framework of their future trade.
It is a question of developing the specific competences related to mediation, of supporting an interdisciplinary dialogue and of building transverse and linguistic competences within a collaborative framework.

In M1, the mention of training engineering and training in interculturality is common to all three courses.
The acquisition of knowledge relating to artistic and cultural education in schools and in school-based, extracurricular and out-of-school structures will enable students to take the measure of children, teenagers and young adults.
The design of mediation projects will be based on knowledge relating to artistic and cultural mediation: developments, transformations, current events and issues. The multidisciplinary teaching enables the articulation of artistic and cultural proposals (painting, photography, poetry, theater, dance, etc.) with educational issues.
The training also includes theoretical insights into current issues in the arts, culture and sciences in the fields of education and mediation.
With their knowledge of national and international artistic and cultural policies, students will develop professional skills related to the mediation profession and will be required to design and communicate artistic and cultural projects in partnership with an institution.
English applied to the profession and a mediation workshop in English prepare students for the international dimension of the profession.
The master's program is supported by the LIRDEF laboratory, and in particular by the Education, Politics and Society axis. Research is developed throughout the master's program.

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The training will take place in person only on the site of the Faculty of Education of Montpellier.
During the first year of the master's program, one third of the student's hours are shared with other programs. The hours of the second year of the Master's program are all specific to the MAC program.

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Select a program

Master 1 Artistic and Cultural Mediation (MAC)

See the complete page of this course

Master 2 Artistic and Cultural Mediation (MAC)

See the complete page of this course


Conditions of access

Bachelor's degree level
Access by VAE or VAP is possible depending on the specific elements of the course.
For more information, please contact the course director.

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How to register

Contact / Information
Education Department - Faculty of Education
Tel : 04 67 61 82 83

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