• Study level

    BAC +5

  • ECTS

    3 credits

  • Training structure

    Faculty of Science

  • Hourly volume



The aim is to present the various observations and associated theoretical concepts - known as cosmological probes - that have enabled the so-called "concordance" ΛCDM cosmological model to be accredited. The EU is divided into chapters of roughly equal size. It is supplemented by a series of seminars presented by students (flipped classroom) and delving into more observational and technical aspects (based on a publication from a major collaboration).


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This course will provide the basic theoretical and observational knowledge needed to understand the most recent developments in observational cosmology (the different cosmological observables, formation and characterization of large structures, elements of primordial nucleosynthesis, open questions, etc.) in connection with experiments currently underway or under development. 

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Mandatory prerequisites


Recommended prerequisites :

Fluid dynamics in astrophysics and cosmology

General relativity and cosmology

Sensors and image processing

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Knowledge control

Student seminar + final exam

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  1. Friedmannologie
  2. Large structures (theoretical aspects)
  3. Large structures (observational aspects)
  4. Primordial nucleosynthesis
  5. Digital cosmology
  6. Concordance model and beyond
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